WikiLeaks StateLogs / diplomatic cables

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  • 11-28-2010, 07:03 AM
work of the WL core-team has reached the absolute point of no return. hence the release of the cables is inevitable.

what is also certain is the tier-1 publications of this release are: El País, Le Monde, Guardian, Der Spiegel and NY Times.

All of them are de facto ready for publication and some of them already have parts of their coverage on the printing press.

Hence late Sunday / early Monday (relative to GMT) the media reports will start.

WL itself will probably release either around the same time or delayed. and either as a whole or piece-wise in batches. (This is something even beyond Assange's control, it mostly depends on what his legal team will decide.)
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  • 11-28-2010, 07:07 AM
"official" russia, unlike the "official" US, maintains a strict strategic ambiguity re. wikileaks so far:
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  • 11-28-2010, 02:52 PM
WL itself will probably release Originally Posted by ..
(IMO the intro text is badly worded. well it's Assange's way of expression. Anyway what matters is the material itself)
(alternative backup)

further backups exist.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually, WikiLeaks is releasing them in groups, as I understand it. The NY Times has an interesting article with some of the highlights of the cables.

Fairly unspectacular, if you ask me.
Any revelations? So far its a bucket of 'duhs': Saudi money supports Al Qaeda, Iran supports Hamas, Arabs don't want Iran to have the bomb, European officials are corrupt sex addicts,.....

Nothing to see here.
The big revelation is in the notion that somebody leaks this stuff and nobody can hold him accountable...our intelleigent services can't find Assange to either arrest him or otherwise eliminate him. Our cyber warfare units can shut his internet outlets down and the guy is free to dissimenate state secrets.

Or maybe Obama is so Machavellian that he actually wants Assange to succed with the leaks; who knows where the truth is in the murky world of international intrigues.
John Bull's Avatar
by Whirlaway: "Or maybe Obama is so Machavellian that he actually wants Assange to succed with the leaks; who knows where the truth is in the murky world of international intrigues."
I like this one. We can't be so inept as to actually allow this guy to do this unless someone in our govt wants it out. Or can we?
TTH says...
The NY Times has an interesting article with some of the highlights of the cables.
The only interesting aspect of the NYT coverage of this story are the facts surrounding the East Anglican University "secret" memos regarding Envirogate; the NYTs wouldn't publish the private email exchanges because it violated privacy and secrecy concerns of the global warming promotors. But the NYTs editors trip over themselves in the rush to publish our national/state secrets.

The NYTs is a corrupt news organization that isn't interested in publishing "all the news fit to print"...they are only interested in promoting a bias newsline that supports their global view of America as an evil influence in the world order.
What makes (made) this man, Julian Assange, tick.
The big revelation is in the notion that somebody leaks this stuff and nobody can hold him accountable...our intelleigent services can't find Assange to either arrest him or otherwise eliminate him. Our cyber warfare units can shut his internet outlets down and the guy is free to dissimenate state secrets. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No big revelation there either...he's hiding in Tora Bora too.