Criminal politician gets angry, plays race card when white politician suggests cleaning up crime

natasteewsym's Avatar

Typical. Rather than getting tough on crime, he expects everyone to open their wallets. You might check out Rush's history of criminality.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The RICO Act would be entirely appropriate.
BigLouie's Avatar
The RICO act is used in a lot of gang situations but mass arrest is not something you can just go out and do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wrong kind of gang. Biggest RICO case I can remember is when the courts BEAT DOWN the HMOs.
The guy who wrote the RICO Act wanted to give prosecutors a powerful took for going after organized crime, so he wrote the Act loosely, figuring he could trust prosecutors to exercise proper discretion and only use RICO for its intended purpose.

Instead, RICO has been used for just about everything EXCEPT going after organized crime.

He reportedly has a lot of trouble sleeping at night these days. Guilt is a terrible feeling.
RICO is a great law enforcement tool; assuming you have an AG who is honest and above suspicions - which Holder isn't.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well then, WhirlyFUCK, I suppose you don't be,I eve in the RICO Act at all.

What a fucking retard! Thanks to you we've been herded into yet another barbed wire cage.

What a DICK!!!!!!!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You don't understand RICO, do you, Assup? Didn't think so.