Likes & Dis-likes......for the gents...

Are there certain things you guys really like...? Dis-like...?

Karina Taylor
Sessions that run over, romance, tongue rings, tasteful tattoos, BBBJs, dfk and shaved

What I dis like is lying, NCNS, B&S, being rushed and of course stupidity but thats not just a hobby thing. Oh and ex SOs
MasterTrucker's Avatar
Likes; A relaxed and confident person, someone who is genuine, and makes you feel good both mentally and physically.

Dislikes; providers that double book, rush you, do not make sure you are satisfied, make you feel like you are being punched through like cattle through a chute. Try to bend the space time continuum, despite the fact that I was wearing a watch and know we are only 20 minutes into a 1 hour date. ugh! Oh and the ever so lovable, bait and switch, oh and did I mention liars? Or the massage that does not have a happy
Mr. Heffner's Avatar
Tattoos and piercings are a turn-ff for me. When I gawk over the girls in the Victorias Secret show, or the girls in the Sports Illistrated swimsuit edition-the girls I really find attractive and are exactly what I'm looking for-I see NONE. Heff
Dis likes - Tattoos, Ash tray tasting mouths, and providers who feel the need to answer phones or text message during a session. Oh, and girls who end every statement or sentence as a question in an upper inflection..leave that to the 13 yr old valley girls.

Likes - Getting to see Karina
mmcqtx's Avatar
Dislikes - answering/checking the phone during a session; having to call 4 times for directions, smokers, add-on$, oh yeah and "Is that little thing it?" - really ruins the mood

Likes - DFK, MSOG, conversation, snuggling, subtle body spray that lingers with you after you leave (since I don't have a SO) and "Oh my GOD, it is SO big!" - yeah, we like to be lied to sometimes
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Dislikes include tats, piercings, cigarette smells, NCNS, leftover from the previous client... Another irritation is showing up and she's not in the clothing request we'd discussed.
Likes include sensuous kissing, an open blouse, a hiked-up skirt, and stocking clad legs wrapped around me.
  • T-Can
  • 02-08-2010, 05:50 PM
I like tattoos, just not the ones of some dude's name
Likes: Kissing, cuddling, playfulness, talking

Dislikes: Being Rushed

side note: Interesting how many guys have chimed in about disliking tattoo's already. The young girls don't always realize that their clientele is older men who DON'T like tattoo's and piercings. Their clientele is not the young guys who might actually like them. This actually applies to both Strippers and Providers
Precision45's Avatar
Likes: Friendly gals who can actually carry on a conversation, clean incalls, uninhibitedness (sp?) Gals who I clicked with who call wanting me to come see them again, girls who don't rush a session (some of us don't want as much as we can get in an hour) DINNER DATES!!!!!!!! Nobody offers those anymore...

Dislikes: Not too many things irritate me other than a constantly ringing phone.
I like to believe a lady is happy I came for a visit.
That is more important than any single activity.

I like pictures that look like what I will see when I open the door. Karina looks just like hers.

I don't like pimps.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Like a lady with a great and quick sense of humor. Like a lady who is confidant to make the first move if she is comfy with me. Really like a lady who tells me what she wants and how to do it.

Dislike "upcharges" for stuff that I hope makes a lady feel good. Go ahead and check your phone for family emergencies, just please don't book the next session while with me.
Somewhat disturbing when I am asked " are you about done".

Its mostly all good. Hell, lets have some fun folks. This ain't work.
steverino50's Avatar
Somewhat disturbing when I am asked " are you about done". Originally Posted by Judge Smails
Well, Judge, at least you don't get..."Is it in?"
Judge Smails's Avatar
Just too embarrassed to admit it.

Forgot two more classics;

" hey, the bed squeaks"

" can we get the shower drain fixed" . Especially crucial if you whiz like huge in the shower before you know it doesn't work and your lovely date walks in to join you....

Well, Judge, at least you don't get..."Is it in?" Originally Posted by steverino50
steverino50's Avatar
Just too embarrassed to admit it.

Forgot two more classics;

" hey, the bed squeaks"

" can we get the shower drain fixed" . Especially crucial if you whiz like huge in the shower before you know it doesn't work and your lovely date walks in to join you.... Originally Posted by Judge Smails
Standing takes care of the squeaks.

I think she knows..she doesn't get in..she just stands by the door and talks to me.