So do you guys have go-to Plan B's?

I've decided that I need to start thinking about Plan B's. Since i've started trying to see more Indy's i've noticed sometimes things just dont work out as planned.

So do you guys have go-to girls that have made reliable short notice plan b's? And maybe as a result become your plan A's? lol

And for the ladies, any of you ok with 24/7 shortnotice calls? I know you girls like plenty of notice, so i hate to be that guy wanting a session within the hour.

Dude, I always have a plan B and plan C..........these providers can be so flaky and/or "things" happen.
tsrv4me's Avatar
I used to have a plan B and C but last few months I have found a very Special lady and now I make it a point to see JUST that Special person ........
TinMan's Avatar
The way my luck has been lately, I've run through the english alphabet and am making my way through the greek. Now working on Plan Epsilon (hey, mods, why doncha do something about that lack of greek character fonts? Surely I'm not the only one...oh, never mind....).
Hercules's Avatar
Does spanking the monkey qualify as a back-up plan? Same end results but much cheaper.
Does spanking the monkey qualify as a back-up plan? Same end results but much cheaper. Originally Posted by Hercules
yes it counts, but you have to be looking at your empty email inbox or your silent hobby phone while doing it.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Dude, I've gotten all the way down plan S and T.

Some days things just don't play out according to plan. Gotta have contingency.
I don't mind being plan A, B or C. So long as I am in your plan!
Buzzmeg's Avatar
I usually will have one in mind. However I have little patience so if plan A falls through I say fuck it and forget the whole thing.
bigmarv's Avatar
My plan B is Ruby Palm and her five sisters. Then I take the money I saved and spend it on my other favorite hobbies, like Golf and Fishing.
Always make sure yall have back up plans. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
yes ma'am. i'm learning. lol

I don't mind being plan A, B or C. So long as I am in your plan! Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
i'll keep that inminded :P
tsrv4me's Avatar
I dont think this is a plan A ..B.. or ..C but more of a fantasy ....that a provider would PM me and say Hey ..Why dont you stop by and see me .I would love to have you have a little DATY ...Fantasy I know But still I dream ....LOL .........T
gptxman's Avatar
I have given up on plans and just wait till I have free time and start calling the girls numbers I have programmed on my phone until I find one that can meet and if I can't find one I just try another day.
I dont think this is a plan A ..B.. or ..C but more of a fantasy ....that a provider would PM me and say Hey ..Why dont you stop by and see me .I would love to have you have a little DATY ...Fantasy I know But still I dream ....LOL .........T Originally Posted by tsrv4me
hey i've done that. the return email says "sorry, i can't today" lol
i could use some good daty right about now!!!