Porn stars without their makeup

ZedX79's Avatar
I only spotted one or two that look nice without makeup.
klutz's Avatar
  • klutz
  • 03-11-2013, 10:32 AM
Thanks for sharing that Zed...

I'd have to say my number is closer to 10 than 2... but still, the underwhelming minority were actually cute before the transformation.
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 03-11-2013, 10:59 AM
Well Internet porn searching got more interesting.
fellowes's Avatar
Who cares?

TheDon's Avatar
I'd say 1000% of women look more attractive without make up.
interesting but it does show a point.. because they get all "dolled" up to do porn, they can "doll" themselves up differently when they go out in public or not at all and what are the odds of someone recognizing them? Some porn stars who did not do the heavy doll up when they did porn are easily recognized without the makeup.
klutz's Avatar
  • klutz
  • 03-11-2013, 12:53 PM
I'd say 1000% of women look more attractive without make up. Originally Posted by TheDon
I would have agreed with you an hour ago.

After watching this video... I'd have to say you're full of shit. lol
jbravo_123's Avatar
The thing to keep in mind is that most of these pics are probably done after professionally applied make-up jobs.

Most women are doing make-up on their own and aren't going to have nearly the results of a professional make-up artist.
ZedX79's Avatar
Who cares?

Originally Posted by fellowes
You cared enough to reply.

TheDon's Avatar
I would have agreed with you an hour ago.

After watching this video... I'd have to say you're full of shit. lol Originally Posted by klutz
That was an error on my part. I meant to say "with makeup."

But too much is bad, just a slight touch is all you need to enhance a look. But it's different with porn. I think most guys expect balls to the wall "dollying up." And I have no problem with that.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Without makeup, they look very different. That was very sobering.
Sarunga's Avatar
Here's how Asia Carrera does it:
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Cool link ... I think 100% of them look better with make up ON! Most of them have some rough ass skin. The skin on the heels of my feet, is thinner and softer then the skin on some of those girls faces. They could all use a facial or a massive laser treatment.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar

Most women are doing make-up on their own and aren't going to have nearly the results of a professional make-up artist. Originally Posted by jbravo_123

Very true!
Lucky01's Avatar
Damn, you totally ruined it for me and Rachel Starr