Question about tipping

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
If you tip a provider … do you tip before or after the appointment?
I usually tip before. If the lady looks at it before-hand, it can make what would have been a so-so session good or a good session a great one. Sometimes I suppose you may be wasting your money but for the most part I think it can only help. There have been times that I have tipped AGAIN after the session. Those were with ladies I had seen before and they had greatly exceeded my expectations.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
After for EXCEPTIONAL service
Why would you tip before ? Certainly don't tip anyone else before getting the service the gratuity is in appreciation of !
nightengale1973's Avatar
If provider requires donation in a sealed envelope, how would they know you tipped before? In those cases we are not supposed to mention money. And how would you go about tipping afterwards? Maybe carry an additional sealed envelope with you?
Pica Flor's Avatar
Why would you tip before ? Certainly don't tip anyone else before getting the service the gratuity is in appreciation of ! Originally Posted by rockerrick
Agree. If they require on getting the donation beforehand, they are putting themselves in a situation not to get a tip. I usually carry the donation in one pocket and the tip in another, If exceptional service I hand both together at the end, but I will not hand out a tip after I am required to give donation up front. Not a comfortable feeling to me.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
After for EXCEPTIONAL service Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
I agree. I think a tip should always be left afterwards and only if the service was everything you came for (no pun intended) and more.

I ask this because recently I have had quite a few men request a 1 hour MSOG session ($240) and after they leave I notice the amount they left (BEFORE the session took place) was substantially more then my requested donation.

I guess they just know I'm going to be that awesome LOL!!!!
Wakeup's Avatar
Tip? What the fuck is that?

Advertise a price, get paid that price...nothing more...ever...
ZedX79's Avatar
^^pretty much
Wakeup's Avatar

Do you idiots tip your lawyer who's charging you $300 per hour? Your surgeon who's charging you $200 per hour? Fucking hell no you don' tip the Jimmy John's delivery guy who's making minimum wage...

Morons...the answer is neither before nor after...
No one wants to see a lawyer or a surgeon.
No one wants to see a lawyer or a surgeon. Originally Posted by zerodahero
I suspect you meant, No one wants to see a lawyer or a surgeon FOR ANOTHER SESSION.
But you sure as hell want them to show up and do their jobs right the first time.

But generally, tipping is for low paid jobs where the worker needs a little more to make decent money.

For instance, one would not tip your interior decorator...thats just dumb.

If you don't see the difference, check it out...
Go to an excellent restaurant... you can tip the waiter without problem.
Try calling the chef out and see if he will accept a tip. If he is well known, it is very unlikely that he will accept your money...he doesn't want or need it for his art.
You may disturb him by offering.

Go to any top hotel and try to tip the concierge, they too will politely decline.

In the hobby, Hobbiests are just not fiscally reasonable...that is putting it politely.

Just my $0.02
inctown's Avatar
I guess by the logic put forth above I have offended a few ladies by tipping them after a great session. I am sure those ladies will avoid me in the future to prevent further insult.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
For the guys...... If you made 300 an hour what would you honestly think about a $25 tip?
pyramider's Avatar