An atmosphere of hate brought to you by the left

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
(I'm giving you an option, support this thread or that idiot WTF)

Given the false, over the top reporting by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post and the ravings of celebrities like Alec Baldwin, Kathy Griffin, Michael Moore, etc. it is not at all unexpected that some sick individual would decided to take matters into his (or her) own hands.

Congressman shot! Bystanders wounded! Some guy with a rifle? Those are the headlines we're seeing right now. Not that GOP congressman and their aids were targetted. Or that policeman were shot. At this point in time we don't know what kind of weapon but isn't it interesting that under normal circumstances the media immediately refers to an "assault weapon" as the weapon of choice and not a rifle.

Just like Gabriel Giffords (well she was shot because another left winger wanted to be famous) the media should be reporting that the atmosphere was hate was responsible. That Kathy Griffin was responsible (just like Sarah Palin was blamed). The Shakespeare play in New York City was responsible. In other words, the entire left wing publicity and blame machine was is more responsible than the shooter. Yes, we're looking at you Hillary, Barack, and George.

We'll get back to the breathless reporting now but just imagine how this would have played out if the targets had been specifically democrats.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar

Never let a good crisis go to waste: Governor of Virginia and old Clinton crony, Terry McCauliffe blames guns for shooting and not crazed democrats. This is his chance to be president in 2020.

Never let a good crisis go to waste: Governor of Virginia and old Clinton crony, Terry McCauliffe blames guns for shooting and not crazed democrats. This is his chance to be president in 2020. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
they say the shooter's facebook page showed the same hysteria as a 9 person cnn panel roundtable
Welcome to the first step in the conversion of our constitutional goverment to Chavezism. The leftist Hillarite thugs think that only the membership of their nimrod organizations, and criminals, should have guns. Lets guess what the result of this sort of threat and intimidation would be.

Never let a good crisis go to waste: Governor of Virginia and old Clinton crony, Terry McCauliffe blames guns for shooting and not crazed democrats. This is his chance to be president in 2020. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You note after all high profile shootings, that's the lefts standard mantra. Unlike how the media and congress turds IGNORE the rampant killings and shootings in Chi-raq. Each weekend seeing the updated stats for that city, it's like watching news reports on Vietnam all over again..
Headline on yahoo:

Why Was Steve Scalise Shot? Possible Motive, His Stance On Gun Rights And Second Amendment
they say the shooter's facebook page showed the same hysteria as a 9 person cnn panel roundtable Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Guns don't kill people; Democrats do.
Rather than to ban guns; let's ban Democrats.......heh
and they thought it would be the right that would start a civil war.
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  • 06-14-2017, 02:13 PM
and they thought it would be the right that would start a civil war. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I do not care who starts it just as long as it hurry up and starts!

I'm like an Injun that can barely wait for scalping season.

Let's all make a pact mustard gas on any babies. Fucking lustlad will be crying like one if so.
lustylad's Avatar
Headline on yahoo:

Why Was Steve Scalise Shot? Possible Motive, His Stance On Gun Rights And Second Amendment Originally Posted by kehaar

Wow, here is a quote from the yahoo story:

"It's unclear whether the shooter was motivated by Scalise's support of the Second Amendment."

Someone help me out... so this idiot pulled out a gun and opened fire on people because he is anti-gun?

How marvelously absurd is the mind of a libtard journalist!
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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2017, 02:20 PM
Wow, here is a quote from the yahoo story:

"It's unclear whether the shooter was motivated by Scalise's support of the Second Amendment."

Someone help me out... so this idiot pulled out a gun and opened fire on people because he is anti-gun?

How marvelously absurd is the mind of a libtard journalist! Originally Posted by lustylad
So you're speculating on speculation. Interesting.

I love this new concept of Second Amendment term limits
lustylad's Avatar
I do not care who starts it just as long as it hurry up and starts!

I'm like an Injun that can barely wait for scalping season. Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah right, fagboy. You'll be hiding under your bed at the first sound of gunfire. Keep playing Helter Skelter backwards, you phony twat.
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  • WTF
  • 06-14-2017, 02:35 PM
Yeah right, fagboy. You'll be hiding under your bed at the first sound of gunfire. Keep playing Helter Skelter backwards, you phony twat. Originally Posted by lustylad
I can't wait for a free market killfest.

Omg that would be so much fun.

I grew up in the country pumpkin head...let's see how much good all that distorted economic data is to you in a free market land with the onlt rule being " the survival of the fittest "

I'm going to be the white Django Unchained
lustylad's Avatar
So you're speculating on speculation. Interesting.

I love this new concept of Second Amendment term limits Originally Posted by WTF

No, fucktard! It's bad enough that this so-called journalist speculates on a dead man's motives without a shred of evidence. It's even worse that her speculation makes less sense than your average comment on this board.

Now why don't you go get yourself banned again before we impose a Second Amendment eccie term limit on your shit-stirring lib-retarded ass!
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