Criminally stupid - Right leaning NY Post nails baby Twitler

Yssup Rider's Avatar
He is a fucking idiot.

Please explain how he is not.

Donald Trump Jr. is an idiot
By Post Editorial Board July 11, 2017 | 6:57pm | Updated

We see one truly solid takeaway from the story of the day: Donald Trump Jr. is an idiot.

In the heat of your father’s presidential campaign, a bozo British publicist emails you to set up a sit-down with a “Russian government attorney” promising “documents and information” to “incriminate Hillary” courtesy of the “Crown prosecutor of Russia” as “part of” the Russian government’s “support” for Dad — and you eagerly take the meeting.

“If it’s what you say I love it,” wrote Junior. As if the government of former KGB spymaster Vladimir Putin would do anything so clumsy. (Our former colleague Kyle Smith put it nicely: “Don Jr. is why Nigerian email scammers keep trying their luck.”)

Worse, he dragged brother-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign chief Paul Manafort into the meeting, which proved to be a bid by a Moscow fixer to undo a US law causing trouble for her clients. (Reportedly, Kushner walked out within 10 minutes while Manafort did work on his phone.)

Oh, and someone was so careless with the email trail that it all wound up being fed to the New York Times, for days of headlines that (at best) undermine President Trump’s agenda as both health and tax reform hang in the balance in Congress.

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. As were Junior’s shifting, incomplete accounts of the meeting under days of Times questioning.

Democrats and the media are frothing to find something criminal in it all, with the most unhinged talking treason. What it clearly was was criminally stupid.
bambino's Avatar
Hey you stupid fucking pig, listen to a real lawyer:

Lou Spowles's Avatar
Hey, assup. The cold war is over. Russia is not our enemy. Our enemies are the Muslims and the jews. Trump should just carpet bomb the entire middle east including israel.

Now since pouring a drink is too difficult for you, can you at least fetch me a bottle of lone star, boy? Also can you go downtown and clean up all the turds left behind from homeless people at the corner of 8th and trinity?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
This is all smoke screens and bullshit designed by the left to stall the progress of the Trump administration. That is it and nothing more.

If the left really is interested in the security of our nation, they would look sithin and purge their ranks of the criminals. But that aint gonna happen any more than them stopping their attacks designed to thwart the Trump administration.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is all smoke screens and bullshit designed by the left to stall the progress of the Trump administration. That is it and nothing more.

If the left really is interested in the security of our nation, they would look sithin and purge their ranks of the criminals. But that aint gonna happen any more than them stopping their attacks designed to thwart the Trump administration. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Of course it is. Even a blind man can see what a ship of fools this administration is.

The left isn't thwarting the Turd Reich. The right is.

I don't suppose any of you asshats will admit that your royal family is insane unless Twitler walks up to a podium and says something like "President Obama was born in the United States."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-13-2017, 11:32 AM
Hey, assup. The cold war is over. Russia is not our enemy. Our enemies are the Muslims and the jews. Trump should just carpet bomb the entire middle east including israel.

? Originally Posted by Lou Spowles
The Muslims and the Jews!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey you stupid fucking pig, listen to a real lawyer:

BAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
Of course, calling ME names makes everything about this lunatic and his evil spoor OK.

Keep that jaw working EATLER! You have a lot of shit to eat today!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-13-2017, 11:34 AM
This is all smoke screens and bullshit designed by the left to stall the progress of the Trump administration. That is it and nothing more.

. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

You think the left is that smart?

If he's got you so bent outa shape assUP, (and we just HATE seeing you like this, ya know) just exercise your rights as an American citizen and vote him outa office.
Oh, wait....junior doesn't actually hold an elected office in our federal government, does he...? Shit, whatta shame. I thought StenchBurger actually had something here for a second.....oh, well, no impeachment for Don Junior, huh?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No impeachmen, you fucking idiot,

(Or just stand him up against a wall ...)
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey, assup. The cold war is over. Russia is not our enemy. Originally Posted by Lou Spowles
We're partners with the Russies in the International Space Station....they just deposited some folks up there and have a "life boat" handy if trouble occurs. Just think for 8 years Obaminable colluded with those "murdering crooks" ... while he phased out our space program and they cranked theirs up again!!!!

And now our astronauts are "colluding" with them in space!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
This is all smoke screens and bullshit designed by the left to stall the progress of the Trump administration. That is it and nothing more. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
And it's not working!!!!

Trump just went to Paris to "make nice" with the French, and took his bride along to interpret and talk shit to the regular folks!
I agree. This is the worst kind of criminal activity.

An American Citizen meeting with a Russian Citizen, (who happens to be an attorney), on the pretext that she had some damaging information about a political opponent of his father.

That's worth 50 years in Leavenworth at the least.
LexusLover's Avatar
I agree. This is the worst kind of criminal activity.

An American Citizen meeting with a Russian Citizen, (who happens to be an attorney), on the pretext that she had some damaging information about a political opponent of his father.

That's worth 50 years in Leavenworth at the least. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Had they met and talked on the Space Station ...

.... it would have been a "defense"! It's ok IN SPACE!
Lou Spowles's Avatar
Assup has been brainwashed and unhinged by the zionist media. Take off your tinfoil hat and get a job, boy!