Senile Biden has his Corrupt DOJ Obstructing Justice now

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Devin Archer, Hunter Biden's business partner, is set to testify to Congress tomorrow and drop the dime on Senile Biden taking bribes from foreign entities.

Now Senile Biden has his corrupt DOJ trying to arrest Devon Archer ahead of his bombshell testimony Monday about Senile Biden’s involvement in his son Hunter’s Ukraine business when he was VP. US attorney in the SDNY Damian Williams issued a menacing letter yesterday - Saturday - telling Judge Abrams to order Archer to go to jail immediately to serve a one year sentence for his fraud conviction.

When are the brain dead ill informed leftists who always make excuses for Senile Biden and the Democrats going to wake up and realize Senile Biden has sold out America?
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Here’s Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer on Maria Bartiromo
Sunday morning futures describing this letter as “obstruction of justice” and decrying “the lengths to which the Senile Biden legal team has gone to try to intimidate our witnesses, to coordinate with the DOJ and certainly to coordinate with the Democrats on the House Oversight Committee to encourage people not to cooperate with our investigation.”

This is third world buffoonery from the DOJ. And it’s why Congress has to leverage its constitutional powers to do the job the DOJ is supposed to do.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
There were a couple other leaders in history that held onto power by arresting people they felt were a political threat. Can’t recall their names, but they were somewhere in Europe.
... What else do President Biden and his family (and the FBI/DOJ)
have but their lies?

... And here comes yet one more whistleblower to show the TRUTH.

So THIS is how the Democrat party chooses to govern?
Trying like Jack-the-Lad to cover-up all Joe's lies and deceit.

They DON'T want anyone telling the truth.
So they have to STOP this fellow before he talks to Congress.

... Is THIS really the law and order you American lads
REALLY expect to see from your government?

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Kevin McCarthy - A key witness in the Biden Inc. corruption scandal has confirmed he’ll cooperate with GOP oversight investigators, despite the weekend filing by Biden’s DOJ.

Anyone who tries to obstruct Congressional oversight will be held accountable.

What is the Biden Admin trying to hide?
berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s former “best friend” and business partner Devon Archer appears before House Oversight to drop a dime on Senile Biden noting that Senile Biden spoke with Hunter's "business associates" aka corrupt foreign entities they were getting bribes from 2 dozen times on speakerphone

The Corrupt DOJ harassment and obstruction can’t stop the truth about Senile Biden from being told.
berryberry's Avatar
Devon Archer confirms to House GOP under oath that Senile Biden was on more than TWENTY phone calls with Hunter Biden to "sell the brand" aka negotiate bribes
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Now we know why the corrupt DOJ didn’t want Devon Archer testifying to Congress

They knew Hunter was taking in millions in bribes

They knew he was coordinating with Senile Joe

The DOJ has disgraced itself
berryberry's Avatar
IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley: "There are so many other people" who could testify against the Bidens but the FBI is threatening witnesses & already spooked one from testifying
matchingmole's Avatar
Another nothingburger
The grand jury today gave ol' cum guzzling Trump a something burger
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Jonathon Turley - No. This was a family business, not a family matter. The Bidens have always been in the business of influence peddling – they have for years. And even some of the media that protects him has admitted that – that Joe Biden’s brother and Hunter actively sought to engage in influence peddling – the view of most of us. I mean, this was a classic operation. But what’s different is the level of involvement of then-Vice-President Joe Biden – direct involvement.

And it’s insulting to tell the American people that this is just a “private family matter.” What do you think influence peddling is? I mean, this is not, you know, “Can we get an invitation to the Biden Delaware beach house?” This was, “Can we get influence in the administration? Can we count Joe Biden as part of this “brand” and this team?

The thing is, look, we have to put aside the Democratic denials. We’re not going to get people like Goldman or others to admit what is clear evidence now of influence peddling, false statements, special dealings – all of that is well-established. And the American people aren’t buying it, you know, for all these denials, the polls show that they see this for what it is.

So we’re back to the question of Speaker McCarthy, when he said a few days ago: “What do you want me to do about this? I mean, do you want me just to walk away?” We now have one of the closest friends of Hunter Biden saying, “Yeah, we sold access, essentially – this was our ‘brand’ – the Vice President, Joe Biden, was directly involved.” Do we walk away from that? Or do you get answers for that? Because nobody outside of Washington is going to view this as a family matter.”