Bust in Mobile

Hearing on this morning's news that there was a bust in Tillman's Corner last night resulting in Prostitution, drugs and guns last night. & busted for chasing the hookers they are saying....

Play safe out there boys!
I’m interested in seeing if I know anyone involved… I hope not… I admit that I have been out there before, but it’s been quite a while, I don’t do that shit anymore…
Looked at the 24 hr booking site... didn't see anything on there ...
I read somewhere that since prostitution is a misdemeanor, their pics are only posted with the judge’s permission, I don’t know if that’s true or not…
bladtinzu's Avatar
I read somewhere that since prostitution is a misdemeanor, their pics are only posted with the judge’s permission, I don’t know if that’s true or not… Originally Posted by Steel Wheels
Not exactly sure on this one but I do know for a fact if some froggy fed wants to make it a human trafficking case it will garner vast media attention. Most of the local LE guys just want to get your name out hoping it ruins your life like costing you your job, wife, family, ect, ect...
There’s a lady in Mobile who anyone who frequents stg will recognize immediately. She told me that she has been arrested and charged with solicitation 3 times, she seemed genuinely concerned about what what the judge might decide to do… apparently it worked out for her, she’s still out there, I’m happy for her, she’s trying to support three kids on her own the only way she knows, the situation just sux, placing blame on anyone doesn’t resolve the issue. I don’t understand why we have accused murderers walking the streets, but we waste much needed cell space on prostitutes, it just seems kinda stupid to me…
Eightball's Avatar
So you think it a good Idea to put a link to her on a public
I don’t think she would mind at all, she’s a pretty open person, she also knows how I know that story, she told me. I guess I might should have asked her first, trust me, if she has a problem, she’ll let me know.
I don’t think she would mind at all, she’s a pretty open person, she also knows how I know that story, she told me. I guess I might should have asked her first, trust me, if she has a problem, she’ll let me know. Originally Posted by Steel Wheels
I did recognize her of course but have never seen her or seen a review on her so I have always been curious about her ...
Same here.. Any body ever see her?
She’s not much of a looker, but she is down for anything you want, anything…
I saw her a several times a year for a couple of years. Once I saw her, and someone had beaten the hell out of her. She said it was her SO. The next to the last time I saw her, I said never again. However, after failing to keep to that, I saw her once more. Now, I have not seen her for a couple of years. I always enjoyed our time together. I stopped because she seemed to become Staff Edit - Biomed1?? I am not one to make any statements about that.
I have seen her multiple times myself. I always enjoy my time with her, wish I lived closer, I'd see her more often!
I don't remember hearing much about the bust other then it happened.
I saw her a several times a year for a couple of years. Once I saw her, and someone had beaten the hell out of her. She said it was her SO. The next to the last time I saw her, I said never again. However, after failing to keep to that, I saw her once more. Now, I have not seen her for a couple of years. I always enjoyed our time together. I stopped because she seemed to become Staff Edit - Biomed1?? I am not one to make any statements about that. Originally Posted by Bayman3147
This post was not regarding the link posted above. It was for someone else; cannot remember her name, but When I seen another ad by her, I will report. The post was edited so I do not know how it was posted here.