From the amount of providers that seem to be getting pregnant. EVERYONE in the community, please make sure you are testing bloodwork quarterly (every three months) and using birth control.. Thank you for your attention. Carry on.
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
Due to the bloody pandemic, it was stated that if her birth rates and STD’s where on the rise.
gimme_that's Avatar
Are birth control planned parent places even open back up yet.

And I can see rates going up cause people have more time at home to get it in.
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
^^^I don't know. Last I heard services are still closed in many areas. Gloves arent perfect, but they are necessary!
Raindog115's Avatar
^^^I don't know. Last I heard services are still closed in many areas. Gloves arent perfect, but they are necessary! Originally Posted by SoSexyMsT
Sure do wish you'd visit the South Shore.