Charity silent auction

sue_nami's Avatar
I am a volunteer soliciting donations for the silent auction benefiting NARAL Texas (national abortion rights action league). Please consider donating anything of value that can be in a silent auction. Donation pickup available.Check your closets and rack your brain, think of that unused piece of jewelry or a valuable work of art or a gift certificate or anything you can give to support choice. Let me know if you have anything we can use for the silent auction.
FoulRon's Avatar
Might have a couple of art pieces I've picked up at Cons over the years that I don't have a place to display anymore. I'll check and get back to you.
sue_nami's Avatar
wow thanks Ron, that would be awesome. I can pick them up. do u want to fill out the official form and use your name on the donation or would it be donated anonymously? I can pick it up and bring the form for your donation. I need it before next Wednesday. thanks so much.
FoulRon's Avatar
Haven't had a chance to look yet. Been burning the late night oil at work.
I can fill the form out, but if you haven't heard from me by mid-Tuesday, I didn't get around to it.
FoulRon's Avatar
Sue, sent you a PM.
sue_nami's Avatar
thanks for your generous donation hun.<3