Non-hobby alert

GneissGuy's Avatar
An elderly friend showed me a letter she got.

It was a very official looking "notice" about the water line to her house. It looked like something that was from the local water utility, but it was actually an ad for insurance for problems in your water line.

It was very carefully crafted to make you think it was official and that it was something you should have, although if you read the fine print, it did say it was not connected to the utility and wasn't necessary.

Stuff like this really gripes me. Warn any vulnerable loved ones or friends you have. And don't fall for such things yourself.

I wonder how good this coverage ends up being if you ever have to actually use it?
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Probably crappy. I got one too, but I had to replace my sewer line shortly after I bought the house (water lines are still fine with plenty of pressure) so I don't need any damn insurance on that. There are all sorts of folks preying on the elderly these days (just like they did on minorities since the Civil War - which really was not very civil). Really shitty stuff.

Back in the old days the sewer lines were made of tar paper or before that cast iron and they would either rust out or tree roots would eventually grow through them and clog them. I've lived here all my life and can't think of a single time the incoming water lines have ever had to be replaced.

Call up the BBB and ask or report it. Call a TV station or radio station with reporters who do consumer protection and talk to them if it gripes you that much (probably after you call and talk to them first). Go get 'em tiger.
chairspud's Avatar
You have to add coverage on your homeowners policy to cover from house to city connection.
nuglet's Avatar
Legitimately, there have been some cases of water lines in slabs eroding away, causing strange leaks in houses at random spots, but very rare. Worth getting any insurance for.. NAH...
I had a gas line erode inside poured concrete and gas permeate through the concrete when it eroded away, but that was just a matter of cutting the gas line where it went into the concrete and running a new line outside of the concrete. BUT with that said, YES, That is predatory advertising and not an expense that should be added to retirees problems, OR the informed.. just wrong!!