nada ..

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-03-2012, 01:12 PM
joe bloe's Avatar
Horse shit. Rasmussen's daily tracking poll has Romney over Obama 48% to 44%. Rasmussen also shows 5% undecided. Undecided voters almost always vote for the challenger by 80%. That means Romney is actually leading by 52% to 45%. Rasmussen says Romney got a modest bounce.He has the best track record in the business and only uses likely voter sample groups (the most reliable).

Obama is toast.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-03-2012, 01:27 PM
no bounce for Romney

ooops, forgot this
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-03-2012, 02:32 PM
and those vids prove what? there was a convention?

ehh, who cares , we wont know till , well , after oblambos lwyers are finished rigging things up or somehow a miracle happens , and the dems havnt created enough robotic needy dolts to overturn America into a third world nation
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 09-03-2012, 03:56 PM
Horse shit. Rasmussen's daily tracking poll has Romney over Obama 48% to 44%. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Now we're back to touting the Rasmussen results.
and those vids prove what? there was a convention?

lmao Originally Posted by CJ7
Since you can not watch them, why should I bother to explain. My brothers enjoyed them and I got to muck up your stupid thread...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
CJ; smoking joints and drinking the Kool Aid. Remember the Reagan landslide of 1984 and some sociliate in NYC screamed that she didn't know anyone who would vote for Reagan. There you go again...
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Citing an article from the liberal LA Times which relies on the Gallup poll which polls all registered voters and not just likely voters like Rasmussen does and a poll from PPP, who is a whore for the Democrat Party who oversamples or undersamples Democrats as needed to get a desired result, to claim that Romney got no bounce, is laughable. I will go with the Rasmussen poll any day of the week. They are the most accurate pollsters in the business. Romney did get a modest bounce but how long it will last remains to be seen.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-04-2012, 01:24 AM
CJ; smoking joints and drinking the Kool Aid. Remember the Reagan landslide of 1984 and some sociliate in NYC screamed that she didn't know anyone who would vote for Reagan. There you go again... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

whatever a sociliate is ...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-04-2012, 01:41 AM
Citing an article from the liberal LA Times which relies on the Gallup poll which polls all registered voters and not just likely voters like Rasmussen does and a poll from PPP, who is a whore for the Democrat Party who oversamples or undersamples Democrats as needed to get a desired result, to claim that Romney got no bounce, is laughable. I will go with the Rasmussen poll any day of the week. They are the most accurate pollsters in the business. Romney did get a modest bounce but how long it will last remains to be seen. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

pretty funny watching people lose their shit over a poll
NiceGuy53's Avatar
pretty funny watching people lose their shit over a poll Originally Posted by CJ7
You're the one citing both the PPP poll and Gallup poll to claim that there was no bounce for Romney. So because I don't agree with you and offer evidence to show that Romney did get a modest bounce, I am the one who is losing my shit over a poll? LMAO! You are the idiot who started this ridiculous thread.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-04-2012, 02:13 AM
You're the one citing both the PPP poll and Gallup poll to claim that there was no bounce for Romney. So because I don't agree with you and offer evidence to show that Romney did get a modest bounce, I am the one who is losing my shit over a poll? LMAO! You are the idiot who started this ridiculous thread. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
I stirred the shit with a damn poll , you lost your shit over the poll like a good lil rasmussen rightwinger should.