White people are making me sick!

Such goddam hypocrisy!
winn dixie's Avatar
Racist post sir!
I take offense for this post!
This is just an awful statement with everything going on!
Opossum's Avatar
You are just butt hurt that blacks are continuing to make other blacks look stupider and stupider and stupider.

The perfect example is the stupid DA in Atlanta and the stupid guy who pointed a taser at a police officer.

The only thing these two jerk offs are doing is making it very difficult for white people to take the movement seriously.

This DA is going to be 100% responsible when the black people finally have another excuse to start burning and robbing their own hood when the police officer is found not guilty.

I have the exact same problems when white racist make good American white people look stupid. They are usually the ones who shoot places up.

However, we dont act like animals because we know how to behave. The only exception is ANTIFA and the democratic socialists.
Racist post sir!
I take offense for this post!
This is just an awful statement with everything going on! Originally Posted by winn dixie

When one white person criticizes another white person that's racist?

How many black businesses did you patronize in the past year?

Where is your umbrage when your asshole of a president refers to "shithole" countries and calls Mexicans rapists and thugs and murderers.

See what I'm sayin' white boy.
winn dixie's Avatar
beelzebubba's Avatar
So you’re saying you make yourself sick?
You make the rest of us sick also... congrats.
BJonesBaby's Avatar
Overt racism is everywhere on ECCIE.

Adults should know better, not stoke the fire of prejudice. Fighting over the confederate flag shows stupidity, not courage. Acting like your a victim shows you’ve never been one. People today are sick, tired, vulnerable and frustrated. The National soul is on life support. Might as well fix all of this stuff at once and move on.
Opossum's Avatar
Fighting over the confederate flag shows stupidity, not courage. Originally Posted by BJonesBaby
I agree. Its stupid.

What is even stupider is resisting arrest and fighting with a police officer.

Thats why most Americans don't care about the thug in Atlanta.

Black legislators should pass a law and require all black kids to take a class on how to behave when interacting with the police.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Race baiting is not allowed and this thread is done.