A Year Later And The Feds Haven't Addressed The Root Cause Of The Wuhan Flu Issue

Or at least I haven't seen anything.

How many labs are doing virus research and not following safety protocols? Are they auditable?

About a month or two ago a WHO team gave one of the Wuhan labs "a clean bill of health." Fauci was in on it. Our country can't stand another year long shut down.

The Chinese can do something very sinister. Let a virus escape and let it kill 100K in China and do a military style shut down. They have a billion people and the authority.

Transport the same virus thru human carriers and let it kill millions world wide. Cause another year long shut down in the Western world. Enhance our govts to gain more authoritarian control.

Wash, rinse and repeat.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-16-2021, 09:34 AM
I think you have washed, rinsed and repeated....Paranoid AF

The election in November gave China, and their paid lackeys in the WHO a free pass.

Our “independent” and “unbiased” Justice Department will release a report blaming anything, or anybody, as long as it is not connected to China.

Biden is the perfect “Manchurian President”. He is to stupid, naive, and suffering from dementia to even know he’s in China’s back pocket.
It amounts to Chemical warfare if they did it on purpose. Trump didn't have the balls to retaliate.
It amounts to biological warfare.

And so far, nobody's done much to get compensation from China or even get them to play by the international "biolab" community rules.

The USA government via Fauci response is wear a mask, shutdown and wait for a vaccine. That response is too destructive to do again.

What did you expect Trump to do?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-16-2021, 11:00 AM
It amounts to Chemical warfare if they did it on purpose. Trump didn't have the balls to retaliate. Originally Posted by royamcr
It amounts to biological warfare.

What did you expect Trump to do? Originally Posted by gnadfly
What do you expect Biden to do?

I'll tell you my take from the reading I've done.

It came from China.

It was not intentional.

It was not handled on their end initially properly. Well they handled it properly for China. They locked down and masked up. They did not handle it properly in regards to alerting the world. This was due to the uncertainty and economic impact.

Trump did not handle the mask up response correctly.

Now this is speculation on my part but I believe he thought it would hurt him politically to request all wear masks. Remember all Trump cared about was getting reelected.

I think when he realized that this was going to cost him the election he doubled down on anti mask hoping that he could get the majority of mail in ballots disqualified. He knew his dumbass voters were coming out in mass on election day without masks! Thus all these silly ass lawsuits.

So now the Boogie man is China...when imho it was just nature doing it's virus thing and dumbass politicians doing their thing.
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 11:02 AM
It amounts to Chemical warfare if they did it on purpose. Trump didn't have the balls to retaliate. Originally Posted by royamcr

and - Mr. 'Expert" - What would do, or have Trump as POTUS Do???

we will see no cogent or constructive answer - typical of DPST loyalty to comrade Xi
big Brother Loves U!

U. of course, are under the first Amendment - entitled to your own marxist opinion.

a freedom and Right u and all marxist DPST's lust to take away From america by declaring as 'Hate speech" - any opinion different from the marxist 'Comrade Xi Thought"!
Hi Boris,

If it was truly a purposeful attack we would have to do a response in kind. However it wasn't purposeful like Trump said. While we can engineer viruses, there is no way to predict the outcome in Humans. Did China get lucky? Why were they engineering a virus in the first place?

and - Mr. 'Expert" - What would do, or have Trump as POTUS Do???

we will see no cogent or constructive answer - typical of DPST loyalty to comrade Xi
big Brother Loves U!

U. of course, are under the first Amendment - entitled to your own marxist opinion.

a freedom and Right u and all marxist DPST's lust to take away From america by declaring as 'Hate speech" - any opinion different from the marxist 'Comrade Xi Thought"! Originally Posted by oeb11
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 11:25 AM
Thank u - 'r'

Denial and delusion as usual
You do love Big Brother

Thank U for selling out America to Comrade Xi - for a pocket full of Cheap Chinese plastic crap.
typical of DPST minion values.
My Chinese are excellent machinists. Amazing quality for a 12 year old machinist. Fact is, the products I have made I couldn't sell if made in the USA.
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 11:33 AM
That - 'r' - only shows your lovalty to Big Brother
and your own incompetence to run a successful company producing quality products.

Nothing to brag about from my POV!

Enjoy your cheap Chinese crap made of genuine plastic - in AOC's concentration camps.

Hi Boris,

If it was truly a purposeful attack we would have to do a response in kind. However it wasn't purposeful like Trump said. While we can engineer viruses, there is no way to predict the outcome in Humans. Did China get lucky? Why were they engineering a virus in the first place? Originally Posted by royamcr
You are evading the question. Whether it was purposeful or not is only part of the issue. To say "respond in kind" to an alleged biological attack is foolhardy.

Again, what did you expect Trump to do?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Root cause?
Feds can't do shit about anything outside of US turf.
Except blow stuff up or pay politicians.
winn dixie's Avatar
China should be held directly responsible for its biological weapon getting out of the wuhan lab.
Wheres the hate in that statement? They are responsible and should have to pay for its fuck up!
Root cause?
Feds can't do shit about anything outside of US turf.
Except blow stuff up or pay politicians. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Sure they can. The Feds can impose tariffs and fines on China. A number of things. Hell, we can withdraw funding from the Wuhan lab that Dr Fauci is paying for.