Wondering about the girls.....

KerryHutchins's Avatar
Yes, I was wondering about a lot of different groups of people probably in need right now. Hence, my post. And question.

I PayPaled $100 to an orphanage last week in another county. I'll probably put a few 20's in my pocket to help "pay forward" some poor old sucks at the grocery store next time I see one. I texted a favorite girl if she needed an extra $200 to be applied until we could next meet again. Don't start PM'ing me. I'm on fixed. Just trying my little bit to help.

Anyway, here's my question: I wondered how our local escort / lady provider friends are doing? The unemployment page particularly listed "gig employment." (A substitute teacher I know got that extra $600) And escorting is certainly a legal endeavor. And are calls getting through now to be able to file a claim?

Even SA has some odd new interesting additions. Are real women coming out of the woodwork? Or fakes? Yes, there are going to be a whole lot more come summer time and beyond when we hit Great Depression levels. Are the new faces on STG actually authentic new talent or what? And I have no idea what the "adultxxx.coms" are doing. A regular "Hotel Asian" (x1553) number totally left the scene. No customers because of Covid so pack up and leave? I suppose.

Thoughts? Experiences? Whatever?
One escort I am in contact with says business is at completely normal levels. Several others say it's slow but they are still paying the bills. One moved back to Nebraska to live with her parents.
The Skip girls who are on welfare or some other public assistance are still making the same money as before, government checks are still rolling, EBT cards are still being replenished.
I wish I was free to check out some of the new girls, there are a couple that intrigue me. Some of the hotel Asians are still there.
I heard a news report that video sex and porn sites were seeing a boom in membership. More of the Skip girls are offering videos or virtual sex. I think wives staying home has put a bigger damper on the biz than the virus has.
les123's Avatar
Well I called for a huge wave of girls coming at us a few days ago. It seems now I was a little premature on my prediction. More like a ripple. I sent my first mercy money today. Never done that before. I did send a girl a pizza once because she was hilarious. At least I think it was a girl.😊
I sent what could be considered a deposit to someone I was planning to visit back in mid March. I started feeling under the weather and cancelled as a precaution, but I sent her everything that intended as a full donation. We haven't rescheduled yet but hopefully soon once both our schedules are open & things have de-escalated.
I've also sent funds to someone that I haven't visited in nearly 2 years but recall having a great time with. Plus she's got a great social media page and posts. Figured the funds could help with her and her kid.
Other than that, I've gone to about a dozen or more OnlyFans pages. Seems to be the rage right now, but honestly I'm focusing on accounts that are established; as awful as that sounds. If I could donate to everyone I would, but I can't. Call it selective or whatever just helping where I can and mostly with whom I've communicated with consistently through here, social media interactions, or just with meetings face to face.
Wishing things could go back to normal. I'm sure ladies will travel in the next few weeks after restrictions are lifted but we'll see.
I've had a couple reach out to me but this isn't exactly a point in time where I feel comfortable being casual with my money. I know a lot of providers and strippers have started up onlyfans accounts or are offering some online services (pics/vids/video calls).

One thing I've been wondering about is are hotels even open? I've heard a lot about major hotel chains furloughing workers so can providers even find them as incalls? Even if they did, I'd feel less comfortable going to one in my area if barely anyone is staying at them. It'd make me stand out a lot more.
I sent one of my regular girls some cash the other day, and asked for a couple pics in exchange. Just trying to help her out a bit since I haven’t been able to break away to go visit her.