Poll Says That A Majority Of Millenials Believe Dropping A-Bombs Was Wrong


I am not surprised.

My father was in the Plillipines in 1945, training as part of the invasion force for the Japanese Mainland Islands. He had already been in one battle, as part of the secondary forces in The Marshal Islands.

I don't know if the horrendous death toll of Americans projected by the War Department would have come to fruition. All we had to go on was the resolve showed by The Japanese as our forces advanced across the Pacific.

I do know this, I was conceived in 1947. Would my Dad have survived? I don't know. He was sure glad that we used The Bomb.

Perhaps these Millenials should ask the same question. I doubt any of them know much about the horrors of WW-2. They don't comprehend the millions of deaths, the absolute destruction that total war brings. Truth is, I doubt they care.

I had a thought the other day that puts all of this in perspective. If you think about it, The United State's policy in 1945 had evolved into what we called "Unconditional Surrender". Although it is not taught in any History Course in any school, that meant......."we are willing to kill every last German and Japanese citizen on the Planet if that is what it takes to end this war".

We were doing a pretty good job of accomplishing just that.

I am not surprised.

My father was in the Plillipines in 1945, training as part of the invasion force for the Japanese Mainland Islands. He had already been in one battle, as part of the secondary forces in The Marshal Islands.

I don't know if the horrendous death toll of Americans projected by the War Department would have come to fruition. All we had to go on was the resolve showed by The Japanese as our forces advanced across the Pacific.

I do know this, I was conceived in 1947. Would my Dad have survived? I don't know. He was sure glad that we used The Bomb.

Perhaps these Millenials should ask the same question. I doubt any of them know much about the horrors of WW-2. They don't comprehend the millions of deaths, the absolute destruction that total war brings. Truth is, I doubt they care.

I had a thought the other day that puts all of this in perspective. If you think about it, The United State's policy in 1945 had evolved into what we called "Unconditional Surrender". Although it is not taught in any History Course in any school, that meant......."we are willing to kill every last German and Japanese citizen on the Planet if that is what it takes to end this war".

We were doing a pretty good job of accomplishing just that. Originally Posted by Jackie S
its amazing they found enough millennials who even new we fought a war against Germany and Japan
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If we had invaded Japan there would be fewer millennials.
I B Hankering's Avatar

I am not surprised.

My father was in the Plillipines in 1945, training as part of the invasion force for the Japanese Mainland Islands. He had already been in one battle, as part of the secondary forces in The Marshal Islands.

I don't know if the horrendous death toll of Americans projected by the War Department would have come to fruition. All we had to go on was the resolve showed by The Japanese as our forces advanced across the Pacific.

I do know this, I was conceived in 1947. Would my Dad have survived? I don't know. He was sure glad that we used The Bomb.

Perhaps these Millenials should ask the same question. I doubt any of them know much about the horrors of WW-2. They don't comprehend the millions of deaths, the absolute destruction that total war brings. Truth is, I doubt they care.

I had a thought the other day that puts all of this in perspective. If you think about it, The United State's policy in 1945 had evolved into what we called "Unconditional Surrender". Although it is not taught in any History Course in any school, that meant......."we are willing to kill every last German and Japanese citizen on the Planet if that is what it takes to end this war".

We were doing a pretty good job of accomplishing just that. Originally Posted by Jackie S
When colleges employ instructors like Chomsky, Ayers, Dohrn and Odumbo, what can one expect.
http://theweek.com/speedreads/626880...in-atomic-bomb Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It is pretty well accepted that Stalin already knew, as The Soviets had infiltrated enough of the Manhattan Project to figure it out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
This last generation saw about 4400 American service men die in Iraq from 2002 to 2010. In World War II America was losing that many men in two weeks, right up until the bloody end. The closer we got to Japan the more desperately they fought. Le May's Air Force had firebombed 60 of Japan's cities. Their army, which almost totally controlled the Japan government, didn't seem to give a damn. Millions of U.S. armed forces were headed for Japan for the invasion. Casualties were estimated to be 500K for our side and several million in Japan. The bomb was dropped on the cities with unimaginable damage and many awful causalities. (the horror!)

Shortly after bombs were dropped, Japan accepted the offered surrender terms.

Suddenly it ended and many American service men who thought their number was up were going home.

In their name I say "Thank God for the atomic bomb" on this Memorial Day.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It is pretty well accepted that Stalin already knew, as The Soviets had infiltrated enough of the Manhattan Project to figure it out. Originally Posted by Jackie S
we should have threatened the USSR to back out of Europe, or we'd nuke Moscow, and we should have done it.

no more Cold War. no more Russia.

where is WoomTard to debate this now? he lost his ass trying to argue against the hard choice to nuke Japan. and he ran like the ArkanASS bitch he is.

Japan doesn't want the U.S. to apologize for bombing Hiroshima. Here's why


World ASIA

Japan doesn't want the U.S. to apologize for bombing Hiroshima. Here's why

A girl floats a paper lantern on the Motoyasu River to comfort souls of victims killed by the atomic bombing at Hiroshima.
(Kimimasa Mayama / EPA)

Jake Adelstein

For years, the question has lingered: Should the U.S. apologize for dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima?

The opportunity could present itself if President Obama visits the city while attending the G7 Summit in Japan next month. No sitting U.S. president has visited the city since it was largely destroyed in an atomic blast during World War II.
Secretary of State John Kerry may have foreshadowed what’s to come when he visited Hiroshima this month and called the experience “gut-wrenching.” Yet he stopped short of offering an apology to his hosts.

Apologizing for a wartime act generations ago would be as welcome to Japanese political leaders as a cloud of mosquitoes. Here’s why:
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry appears at a news conference following the G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Hiroshima.
(Kazuhiro Nogi / AFP/Getty Images)

Does Japan even want an apology?
Likely not. A secret 2009 state department cable published by Wikileaks in 2011 indicated Japan was cool to the idea and worried that it would only serve to energize anti-nuclear activists in the country.

Hasn’t this come up before?
It has. In 2007, during Shinzo Abe’s first term as prime minister, Defense Minister Fumio Kyuma referred to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as “something that couldn’t be helped.” While opposition leaders took issue with that position, the government’s official stance was that it would be more meaningful for the U.S. and Japan to “aim for a peaceful and safe world without nuclear weapons.”
The atomic bomb dome is seen through the altar of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.
(Toshifumi Kitamura / AFP/Getty Images)

An apology could trigger unneeded political fallout
Devin Stewart, a noted expert on Japan, and senior program director at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, suggests that an apology could “open a can of worms on many, many issues.”

There’s concern, for instance, it might undermine Abe’s initiative to give Japan a more nimble, capable military and clear the way for troops to fight overseas, something that hasn’t happened since the end of World War II. Abe’s primary goal, Stewart says, is to strengthen the military and everything else, including his economic platform of Abenomics, is a means to achieve that goal.

An apology also could harden the opposition to using nuclear power in Japan, a sentiment that blossomed after the meltdown at Fukushima. The administration has made nuclear power a major part of its energy policy.

“Overemphasizing the inhuman nature of the nuclear weapons used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki goes against what the current government of Japan has been working on so hard for decades — removing ‘allergic’ reaction against nuclear weapons and nuclear power. In short, let the sleeping dogs lie,” Koichi Nakano, a professor of Japanese politics at Sophia University, said.
<img itemprop="image" data-baseurl="http://www.trbimg.com/img-5723c181/turbine/la-na-japan-hiroshima-memorial-20160429-005" alt="Hiroshima memorial" class="trb_embed_imageContaine r_img" title="Hiroshima memorial" data-c-nd="2048x1365"> Officials place wreaths as they prepare for a visit by the Group of Seven foreign ministers at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima.
(Mari Yamaguchi / AP)

It could set off a chain reaction of apologies
Prime Minister Abe’s speech on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II was a classic non-apology apology, and this administration allegedly hates to apologize.
“Why doesn’t the Japanese government want Mr. Obama to apologize? Because it tears the scab off a much bigger wound that Japan wants healed,” says Grant Newsham, a senior research fellow with Japan Forum for Strategic Studies and former U.S. diplomat with over 20 years’ experience in Japan.

“If Obama apologizes at Hiroshima, it draws attention to Japanese behavior elsewhere in Asia during the ’30s and ’40s. It might even be demanded that the Japanese government and emperor go to Singapore and apologize for slaughtering 25,000 Chinese there in 1942. Or to Australia to apologize for how they treated their POWs. Or to the Philippines (to apologize) for a few hundred thousand murders by the Imperial Japanese Army as well.”
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Beyond launching a new round of hand-wringing over wartime atrocities, Nakano says an Obama apology could raise fresh questions about Japan’s own attempts to build an atomic bomb.
Even the right wing journalist and ultra-nationalist Hiroyuki Fujita says that an apology is “not necessary and I don’t think the Japanese people want it. It will create “a ceaseless round of apologies.
“However, I think the American people should know that not only the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the firebombing of Tokyo in which thousands died, were illegal acts against humanity. They were civilian massacres.”
<img itemprop="image" data-baseurl="http://www.trbimg.com/img-5723c183/turbine/la-na-japan-hiroshima-ruins-20160429-005" alt="Hiroshima ruins" class="trb_embed_imageContaine r_img" title="Hiroshima ruins" data-c-nd="2048x1606"> In this 1945 file photo, an Allied war correspondent stands in the ruins of Hiroshima, Japan, just weeks after the city was leveled by an atomic bomb.

What about the survivors in Hiroshima?
The survivors — those who remain — are largely out of sight and out of mind, and there’s little political capital in digging up memories of the bombing, Stewart notes.
“Many people in the center of power in Tokyo would rather not talk about such touchy issues,” he says.

The Japanese government has long fought to limit the number of people seeking official recognition as atomic-bomb survivors eligible for special assistance, and survivors who feel they suffered from radiation exposure but weren’t recognized as victims have filed numerous lawsuits. When Abe was prime minister from 2006 to 2007, he refused to meet with the plaintiffs.

Last year, in a break from tradition, Abe failed to include a pledge to observe the country’s three nonnuclear principles in the annual Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony speech.

<img itemprop="image" data-baseurl="http://www.trbimg.com/img-5723c28b/turbine/la-na-japan-hiroshima-public-20160429-001" alt="Hiroshima Peace Memorial" class="trb_embed_imageContaine r_img" title="Hiroshima Peace Memorial" data-c-nd="2048x1375"> Tourists visit the Memorial Park, Atomic Bomb Dome and the nearby Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.
(Carl Court / Getty Images)

What does the public think?
A 2015 opinion poll by a Russian news agency found that 60% of the Japanese public wanted an apology for the bombing.
But what the Japanese government and the public want aren’t always the same.
Adelstein is a special correspondent.

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no one is going to read all this, get a life
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
no one is going to read all this, get a life Originally Posted by Seeker
not you idiot. it has more than ten words. that's above your reading comprehension level.

So what is your point, there should be no apology? I don't think Obama did that. Have you ever been to Japan?What's the deal with the cartoons?
So what is your point, there should be no apology? I don't think Obama did that. Have you ever been to Japan?What's the deal with the cartoons? Originally Posted by Seeker
You will regret that comment, 0zombie...

You will regret that comment, 0zombie...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
So now you are making threats? be careful
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So now you are making threats? be careful Originally Posted by Seeker
you be careful. libtard stupidity doesn't go over well here. got that?