if any body thinks it is all that easy you should try it. I have done both, how high does jet transport fly I been out the door at 28000
Originally Posted by 728869
Hey Luke; that's 5.3 miles up. I hope you had your own oxygen supply for the long trip down. You have to be a cool guy to open that thing manually before crashing into the ground. High enough to land safely and low enough not to be seen requires a cool hand. It is hard to do when totally covered to keep from freezing.
That's too high for me. Those military guys who did the Halo drops were something special and did very special operations. You must be special!

All of those guys went to see the psychiatrist as part of the qualification. I don't think I would have passed that exam.
Many of the first in guys that paved the way for others were low altitude drops, like 300 to 500 feet; sometimes less; with all of the gear and supplies. But then real men don't use a static line.