Can You Pay Someone To Take Your Online Class

Hey everyone this is Anderson, I just want to know for my acknowledgment. Can you pay someone to take your online class also I want the best website so kindly, suggest to me the good and useful website?
Lol, you sure can.

I remember back in the olden days, I went to HS with a set of twins. During finals they each would study for three subjects, instead of all six like tge rest of us.

During break they would meet in the bathroom, exchange clothes, and go take the exam.
Certainly I will be happy to take your on line class. Make me an offer. No guarantees.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ethics class ????
Hunteradventurer's Avatar
Why don’t you have someone take a online class in your name on how to build your website for you! This has got to be the epitome of the millennial laziness & lack of ethics. Scary to think of what we have to look forward to JMO.
Why don’t you have someone take a online class in your name on how to build your website for you! This has got to be the epitome of the millennial laziness & lack of ethics. Scary to think of what we have to look forward to JMO. Originally Posted by Hunteradventurer
CAREFUL you will hurt its' feelings
ntxguy's Avatar
Anderson maybe you and cali88 should get together and discuss. Or are you and Cali the same person with multiple handles? You both sound as if English is not your first language, brand new members and asking similar questions about taking online test on a review board full of men talking about pussy. Maybe just a coincidence but it's sure an odd place to look for advice on how to cheat on an online test.