Female Condoms...Provider Opinions?

Sinclar's Avatar
Good morning all,

So I've seen quite an increase in the mention of female condoms in recent reviews and such and universally they are raved about.

So I'm curious, having never partaken in the use of. I can see the benefit and preference from us guys side of things. That's fairly obvious.

However, for those lovely young ladies out there who use and promote them, do you prefer them as well? Are they better for you than the standard mens condoms? Obviously this is subjective and depends on the woman. Safety wise as well as pleasure wise, just curious.

One of these days I'll need to try them out for myself.

Thanks all.
In a nutshell...

In my opinion, internal condoms have a more natural, unencumbered feel while proving the same protection of an external condom. More importantly, making use of FC2's can be empowering as it's a safe sex device which helps enable the receiving partner to uphold their sexual health and agency... Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
  • MrGiz
  • 06-14-2017, 04:05 AM
Jade Skny Diva introduced me to the phenom!! She has since, become her own Phenom!
LarrytheCoxGuy's Avatar
man you serious? female condom? i might as well just go n have sex with a tire wrapped around a tree stumpp for that.
Female condoms are the.best. Hands down!!!
It is da bomb! Almost, repeating, almost as good as bare!
Sinclar's Avatar
I really want to have a session using one. <Looks around for free time>
I'm curious and would love to experience using one. Looks like I have some homework to do in finding out which ladies partake in such a tryst.
SknyDiva's Avatar
Go buy some and bring them to a session.
river985's Avatar
Where can you get them in the NOLA area? Skny also introduced me to them. I like the fell of them, but seems to get in the way when DATY.

That said, I got a new ATF that I'd like to try them out on!

Anyone ever tried the Galatic Cap? Not save for the hobbying, but would be great for use with a SB that you feel comfortable with.

Go buy some and bring them to a session. Originally Posted by SknyDiva
True but for not knowing which providers enjoy them. On a personal note, I do find your bluntness very sexy.
They really do feel quite nice and natural. Seeking ~P introduced me to them and have to admit it was an awesome feeling.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-24-2017, 05:20 AM
I have used them for the first time. Kinda feels like wearing a sandwich bag.
Audreyg's Avatar
Hustler Hollywood sells female condoms.

Where can you get them in the NOLA area? Skny also introduced me to them. I like the fell of them, but seems to get in the way when DATY.

That said, I got a new ATF that I'd like to try them out on!

Anyone ever tried the Galatic Cap? Not save for the hobbying, but would be great for use with a SB that you feel comfortable with.

http://galacticcap.com/ Originally Posted by river985
SknyDiva's Avatar
Most sex shops sell them and of course you can get them online.
Much cheaper than you would pay at sex shops.