5 Star Gents

jillyclaire's Avatar
Now and again I meet a client that just melts my butter. If we've had a truly memorable session I make a mental note and he gets five stars. Metaphorically speaking, that is.

For instance, when ever I meet a certain gent we have a mutual sensual shower. Then he gently dries me off. Sigh...

Do you ladies have any favorites?
Yes I have plenty of people that are my favorites. Some are on the board here and some I met elsewhere.

When I was getting ready to buy my house I had many many gentlemen step up to the plate and help me to make sure I had enough.

When I was in the hospital recently I had several gentlemen call to check on me, and see if I needed anything.

Each and every client that walks through my door is my friend they are more than a dollar sign. Yes they help me pay bills and yes they help me monetarily, but mentally they do more for me than you would ever know.

This is a great subject Jilly Clair.. I am glad you thought of it
jillyclaire's Avatar
That's a wonderful tribute to your friends here on Eccie, Melissa. I was just looking for some feedback on how the girls feel about their special clients. Mine get treated extra special because I understand that what they want is a little break in the monotony. An escape is what I provide. It's been fun getting to know them in this way.
DallasRain's Avatar
great post/answers!

I have ALOT of special gents....Jilly,you & I did a double with one of mine..lol!

I have a very special gent in Houston who i have known over 4years....he treats me with special gifts {usually skull related} and he dressed up in costumes for our visit...he even has several different boxers he has oredered and worn just for our dates!

then I have a VEry special gent in Lafayette I have known over 10 years and have done many many doubles with....I fix the roomn up for our dates and have snacks out to munch during our 3 hour doubles dates.

I also have an older gent who is my Iowa cowboy!

Today I got a nice compliment by one of my OKC gents...I had done a triple gal playtime for his birthday friday......he wrote on my ass "I love OKC",took a pic,and he put it as his avatar! I have a gent in Dallas who has my ass on his avatar too.

this biz is a real ego booster for old hookers like me...lol

rock on ladies!
jillyclaire's Avatar
Yes I remember Dallas! We wore him out. lol I love your enthusiasm.

Don't ever change! You always make me smile. By the way, you're not old. You're seasoned every so slightly and super yummy.
