Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I realize most don't even bother w/NC/NS notices anymore since it's so frequent, but this girl, who looks pretty good to me @ a very reasonable rate, got me over to the West Bank two weekends in a row for NC/NS each time:
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you...
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Thanks Zoey: Inevitable, to an extent, w/shopping down-market--although plenty of the more inexpensive or bargain BP girls will also keep their appointments; but my budget prevents me from often seeing the more expensive ladies. That isn't a slam on them at all--just where I'm at in terms of what I can afford. I hope you have a good visit here in NOLA--welcome back!
Don't let her get you a third time OHD!
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Thanks Old Horn Dog! I started out as a BP girl myself (although I still throw ads up there in cities that treat me well for it, I primarily advertise other places now), so I know how it is. A lot of those girls just book as many appointments as they possibly can figuring maybe 50% of their clients will show up if they are lucky and the other half will flake, so they just double/triple book, accepting every appointment that they get offered and then once they're already in session with someone (maybe even who was supposed to be there earlier and was late, etc.), if you show up and try to call you are SOL. I sorta cringe when I think about how I used to do that myself. Luckily I realized that I didn't feel good about doing business that way and reworked my business in pretty short order, particularly once I realized how to market myself in a way that drew a better / less flaky clientele. When you're advertising yourself for $100-200 on BP you get a lot of flakes. Maybe you already know all this. Still sucks that it happened to ya. Hope you have better luck in the future with someone else!
DallasRain's Avatar
so sorry OHD!
Hope ya find some fun!
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Don't let her get you a third time OHD! Originally Posted by heidilynnla
As I believe I made mention in a significantly different context earlier this week, "Some o' us'n's is slow learners." Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

Went w/a different bargain-priced young AA off BP today--she kept the appointment, although when I was there, she told me SHE didn't think I was coming "like all them other bull-shitters who call off my backpage ad--you & my reg'lars are the only ones who show up..." So it goes both ways I know. She was nice--had a good time.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I realize most don't even bother w/NC/NS notices anymore since it's so frequent, but this girl, who looks pretty good to me @ a very reasonable rate, got me over to the West Bank two weekends in a row for NC/NS each time: Originally Posted by Old Horn Dog
To my very great surprise, same NC/NS girl has an AdultSearch as as well:

I just don't want like-minded people on here (L.T. Watson & Baloo) to get burned sitting in their cars for a half-hour in that skeezy no-tell-mo-tel parking lot over on the West Bank.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar