Managed providers

I randomly started wondering about this earlier this week. Forgive me if it's already been discussed!

What's the point of being a provider and having management/a pimp? Well, more so what's the point in today's day and age?

From the way I can gather, back in the days before the internet, a pimp might offer protection, and would manage girls and brought hobbyists to them. But with things such as eccie and P411 where a provider could do all of the screening of clients herself, why would they ever need to be managed? Or is it more the case where a pimp gets them into the game and then keeps them managed through intimidation, etc?
Daen1304's Avatar
I actually know a girl who is a retired provider in RfL. I asked her about such things since she has done it all including being a pimp herself. Most girls that have a pimp were brought into it by said pimp. And pimps don't do ANYTHING for the girl. Not even protection. If you are seeing a girl and a pimp shows up, chances are it's to collect from the girl (in that case a stupid pimp) or he thinks he can get money out of you.

As for management, that could be a different depending on what you mean. Some people use it as a term for pimps. Others can use it as one experienced provider managing a newer one until she can fly solo. For things like AMPs and Studios it probably falls closer to traditional management. Essentially, if anyone actually provides services for a provider management style it probably falls under categories such as screenings, maintaining incall and arranging schedules on busy days... sounds more like a secratary to me...
A Provider working for an agency doesn't have to sweat the details such as finding an incall, paying for it, keeping up with appointments, advertising, buying supplies (condoms, toiletries, etc).

The agency booker lets her know when her appointments are; all she has to do is show up and show him a good time. The Agency takes a percentage of the donation but it's a wash compared to the expenses she would incur if she handled everything herself.

Agency girls seem to be more reliable for me...had a few times when the Provider had to cancel at the last minute and the Booker says so-and-so is available...built in Plan B.
I knew a girl that had a pimp and she just wanted him around. Basically she wanted someone to love her and she thought the pimp was going to offer that! I would be there when she would get a call from him and she would hang up with a smile and say oh he is coming over! He just wanted to come get money... So I have the same question as the OP why, oh why do the girls want pimps? I understand management but not Pimps.
Right, I understand management insofar as helping scheduling, screening, etc. I just don't understand where a pimp has a place in modern hobbying. Except for the fact that the pimp may have brought her into it and has just kept her there.
sinep1's Avatar
Is it possible that girls who are new to the business with little experience or knowledge on how things work think a pimp may be the way to learn or feel protected?
pyramider's Avatar
Are you loopy? Pimping does not protect or teach.
If you are seeing a girl and a pimp shows up, chances are it's to collect from the girl (in that case a stupid pimp) or he thinks he can get money out of you. Originally Posted by Daen1304
Ive always wondered why a "Pimp" thinks he could just walk up on somebody a take there money??

Case in point,
Pimp vs. Burger boy and bald older guy

Pimp vs. White guy with shirt tucked into jogging pants

And last point ~ Pimp Down "As the Stable turns"

And they think they can roll up on a Cowboy From Texas or a Louisiana Bayou Bruiser wearing Alligator boots that's still breathing??

Fuckin PPUUUHHHH LEEaaasssseee!!

The real question is would you motorboat that cleavage around the 6:40 mark on the last video??

Guest091314's Avatar
There is also a distinct difference between an agency and a pimp.
Daen1304's Avatar
Ive always wondered why a "Pimp" thinks he could just walk up on somebody a take there money??

Case in point,
Pimp vs. Burger boy and bald older guy

Pimp vs. White guy with shirt tucked into jogging pants

And last point ~ Pimp Down "As the Stable turns"

And they think they can roll up on a Cowboy From Texas or a Louisiana Bayou Bruiser wearing Alligator boots that's still breathing??

Fuckin PPUUUHHHH LEEaaasssseee!!

The real question is would you motorboat that cleavage around the 6:40 mark on the last video??

B Originally Posted by beezdat
A member of the Dallas Sherrif's dept once told me that the most dangerous type of criminal in Dallas are pimps. They tend to be unpredictable and volatile. And account for the majority of murders. (His info, not mine. I have no numbers to back that) They use fear an intimidation to get what they want and will not put much thought in to shooting even just a business owner who tells his girls to not solicite in their store. That being said if you find yourself ending out on top of confrontation with a pimp, good news is that the cops will likely ignore why your their and just focus on "Pimp committing assualt" since they HATE pimps. Still, get a lawyer and keep your damn mouth shut.

But the thing that makes them so dangerous is the same thing that makes think they can walk up on anyone. They're over confident. No matter how dangerous they actually are they think they are untouchable. Even if their entire posse is just their fat lazy cousin.

There is also a distinct difference between an agency and a pimp. Originally Posted by Anastasia Roberts
Yep, hence why I tried to break the to terms apart earlier. Some people think "agency" and "management" are the same thing as pimp. Hell, I even saw someone a long time ago use "SO" in the same manner as "pimp", only once though.
pmdelites's Avatar
What's the point of being a provider and having management/a pimp? Well, more so what's the point in today's day and age?
But with things such as eccie and P411 where a provider could do all of the screening of clients herself, why would they ever need to be managed? Or is it more the case where a pimp gets them into the game and then keeps them managed through intimidation, etc? Originally Posted by skydiver
both - some dont understand what it takes to run their business. and some get snookered into working for a pimp and then pass the event horizon and have a very difficult time getting out from the black hole of pimpdom.

the better question is why do some women not have a pimp?
that might give you insight into what a woman needs to be able to run her own business.
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
I knew a girl that had a pimp and she just wanted him around. Basically she wanted someone to love her and she thought the pimp was going to offer that! I would be there when she would get a call from him and she would hang up with a smile and say oh he is coming over! He just wanted to come get money... So I have the same question as the OP why, oh why do the girls want pimps? I understand management but not Pimps. Originally Posted by MarieAntoinette
For most of the young girls, my guess is a lot of them are either naive and/or have self esteem issues. They get swept off their feet so to speak and become so enamored with what he says and wants that they will do ANYTHING FOR HIM. She's beautiful IF he says so. She's a worthless piece of crap... IF HE SAYS SO. They want to please in every way possible and handing over money they work for, take risks to make is no problem. Daddy is worth it. After awhile if they rose colored glasses clear up, too often they are afraid to leave or basically have no means as car, money, clothes, housing are all controlled by Daddy. That other side of sweet Daddy is often as described: ruthless, violent and intimidating. Add psychological manipulation to that mix... and yes, pimps still aren't extinct and likely never will be.
OMG its been awhile for a damn pimp thread..My thing is this why does it matter what a person does with there money..After you hand it to the girl it no longer yours so why does it matter who she gives it to..
People talk about pimps and what they do but how would you know what a pimps does if you never been one..Thats like someone trying to tell a person how to raise kids but they dont have any you CANT do it..Hell noone says anyting to the damn government they been pimping for years dont pay them and see...I bet uncle sam willl be at your doors FOR HIS MONEY..
Now dont get it wrong not taking up for pimps but me i just dont care what i girls does with her money..and all im saying is you cant judge if you never done it just what you heard and so on..Im not going to judge how WAL-mart is ran cause hell ive never ran one..Im sure all dont beat girls or whatever but i dk cause im not one..everyone talk about the pimps but the girls or going to them and staying so they must like it!! But this is just my .50cents
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
Wow... I've got to back away from the keyboard for awhile and cool off. Hopefully someone else can post something civil before Lazarus sees that comment.
Why upset about it everyone here post there 2 cents all the time when i say that you get upset..WOW!!! thats how I feel..Who cares what they do with there money after you give it them..Pimps ARE HERE and I dont think they will ever go away..Why keep talking as if its going to stop the girls are still going to go IF they LIKE IT then hell I LOVE it..I only Can talk about how i do my show..All im saying sorry if that made you upset..