Interesting lol

TandAeveryDay's Avatar
Gabrielle's Avatar
It's sad.

10k bail? For a victimless, non violent crime?
TandAeveryDay's Avatar
Well they probably refund you most of it after the case but you probably are hit with fines and costs. But anyway, prostitution should NOT be a crime. No argument there.
Big Stig's Avatar
Perhaps she should have shown up for her hearing. It may have produced a better outcome. Who cares?
bambino's Avatar
She seems like a real peach.
TandAeveryDay's Avatar
Her rate of $250 was fair though for 2 hours. On TOS you can't even get an hour for $250.
Big Stig's Avatar
Her rate of $250 was fair though for 2 hours. On TOS you can't even get an hour for $250. Originally Posted by TandAeveryDay
My guess is you can't get an hour on TOS for any amount.
TandAeveryDay's Avatar
Pretty soon you won't even be able to get a provider on TOS let alone an hour. Same 10-12 girls circulate the same ads each and every day.
berryberry's Avatar
My guess is you can't get an hour on TOS for any amount. Originally Posted by Big Stig
Yea, rumor is they don't like gay Bulgarians over there.
TandAeveryDay's Avatar
Yea, rumor is they don't like gay Bulgarians over there. Originally Posted by berryberry
Are you referring to yourself?
berryberry's Avatar
Are you referring to yourself? Originally Posted by TandAeveryDay
Hematoma's Avatar
Fucking Bulgarians
bambino's Avatar
Fuckin Kumquats
TandAeveryDay's Avatar
What....? Haha what is this obsession about? Why are you guys talking about someone? The thread is about some girl that got busted by nothing-doing bored police officers. What's with the diversion over some guy or a past member?
So serious question,

since Tatts is actually banned as our or should be his numerous aliases does that mean we can pretty much say anything we want about him without repercussion (since he isn't supposed to be posting here) Like can I tell him to play in rush hour traffic with a kumquat up his ass?

Fucking guy will never learn.