Conservatives Win Canada - Overwhelmingly

The Conservative Party winning a majority in the House of Commons a portend of things to come in the November 2011 US elections?

Last night the historical Liberal Party was almost nearly written off into extinction at the gain of the NDP. And the Bloc Quebecoiss?? Well the separtist movement is all but dead??????

The Conservatives hold a firm majority and will govern from the center right for at least the next four years. The CP platform is pretty close to that of the Tea Party - balanced budget, lower taxes, more efficent government, federalism.

Is Canada's future looking brighter than that of the US?

Your thoughts ?
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  • 05-03-2011, 07:32 AM
The CP platform is pretty close to that of the Tea Party - balanced budget, lower taxes, more efficent government.

Is Canada's future looking brighter than that of the US?

Your thoughts ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Nobody I know is moving to Canada.

Question. Are the Canadian Tea Party like folks as convoluted as ours? By that, I mean do they want to cut spending except when it effects them?
Black Sedan's Avatar
The CP platform is pretty close to that of the Tea Party - Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Racist fucks responding to the election of a non-white as president with pretense; and political opportunists riding along?
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The Conservative Party winning a majority in the House of Commons a portend of things to come in the November 2011 US elections?

Last night the historical Liberal Party was almost nearly written off into extinction at the gain of the NDP. And the Bloc Quebecoiss?? Well the separtist movement is all but dead??????

The Conservatives hold a firm majority and will govern from the center right for at least the next four years. The CP platform is pretty close to that of the Tea Party - balanced budget, lower taxes, more efficent government, federalism.

Is Canada's future looking brighter than that of the US?

Your thoughts ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The separatist movement has been dead for a while. What killed it was coming extremely close to what they wanted - meaning big business ran screaming from the province. It also made it clear to Quebec that France didn't want them (which made them a laughing stock across Canada), and that they didn't have the infrastructure to support their own country. They wanted to keep our dollar, our bank infrastructure, our passports.. Well guess what kids, you can't move out of Daddy's house and keep his credit card. When that hit home, it wasn't something worth lusting after anymore. Of course there is always going to be a pocket of whack jobs that don't let reality get in their way, and politicians willing to cater to them. However, it is nice to see that they are no longer an official party and can no longer get Government support. Even in my travels into Quebec, I have found social tensions far less obvious and ever decreasing.

Fascinating to see the Liberals plummet, who for 30 years were the majority government. The Liberal leader LOST HIS OWN SEAT, loosing by 1000 votes in his own riding, and announced his resignation.

The NDP has NEVER been official opposition, and I'm not sure what that will mean for Canada. Conservatives will keep their wild spending desires in check. However having the NDP and the Conservatives facing each other in Parliament will make for interesting news for the next four years.

Side Note: The NDP leader was found in a massage parlour, naked, in the 1990's. That made news headlines nearing the election for a couple of days but it seems the general public was uninterested.

This will be a unique chapter for our political history and no one is sure what it means. I do know that most who were voting felt they were really "not" voting for someone else, trying to choose the least of evils available, they were not supporting someone they believed in.

I loath Harper's social conservatism. It's uncommon to hear our leaders talk about things like abortion rights - usually that is left out of their political platforms, preferring that individuals made their own choices. It is most unfortunate to see political conservatism mixed with socially conservative values - historically that has never been the case for us. That is one "Americanization" I don't believe anyone is particularly thrilled with, and he went out of his way while campaigning not to address such issues and insist that they were insignificant. Obviously, it didn't hurt his support.

I don't think I would really compare them to the Tea Party, our Conservatives aren't as extreme.

It has been neat to see the underdog Green Party win a seat.

Everyone's feeling a bit tense, waiting to see where this path will take us. I hope if forces the Liberals to pull up their socks.

Another interesting problem with the elections is a swath of people that probably don't belong in parliament. A third of the seats of gone to rookies, some that never even ran... and some University students. This could be very good, or very bad.

The truth is, I feel intelligent talented people have stopped going into public service.

For those that give a damn:
Jeffrey Simpson on the lessons of the 2011 election

With 100 rookie MPs, Parliament faces ‘the proverbial herding cats’

The Liberal Party: What went wrong and where to next?
LS: thanks for your perspective.

It is interesting that the CP did so well in the GTA; you would think that the NDP would be the beneficiary of the Liberals losing control in this area?

And the NDP is now made up of many BQ-minded Quebec's who are going to be very difficult to control???
LS: thanks for your perspective.

It is interesting that the CP did so well in the GTA; you would think that the NDP would be the beneficiary of the Liberals losing control in this area?

And the NDP is now made up of many BQ-minded Quebec's who are going to be very difficult to control??? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I think people are just terrified of the NDP in Toronto. Jack Layton, the NDP leader, ran for mayor here, and was never elected.
Given the choice of Layton or Harper, I'm not shocked to see they went CP. Southern Toronto, meaning the Toronto core, continued to spurn him, as Harper has long been hated.

I think the house will be difficult to control, and it won't just be because of the BQ.

To be honest, I'm not looking forward to the next four years. Harper is famous amongst his own staff for throwing unbearable temper tantrums, I'm curious if we'll see one of these take place in Parliament when he can't herd the cats!

GTA boosted Tories but will they return the favour?
It also made it clear to Quebec that France didn't want them (which made them a laughing stock across Canada), and that they didn't have the infrastructure to support their own country. They wanted to keep our dollar, our bank infrastructure, our passports.. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Some of my friends are either quebecoise or french expats living in Montreal and would not necessarily agree with you. I don`t think they wanted to keep "your" dollars. But the non-intanglement with rest of canada would have been problematic, there i agree with you. But who says they don`t have the means to overcome these issues?

But its not as black and white as you seem to portray that, because the quebec immigration - guess what? - is a lot different to the other immigration parts of canada. Why is that? To get the economy in Quebec going. Basically to immigrate Quebec you have to just speak french and have the means to support yourself. Plus they are VERY good intertwined with the french and general french artist scene. Don`t underestimate the french and their political entanglements. Quebecoise have no problem working in France, so how can you say the french don`t want them? They have special permissions everywhere and vice versa. Oh same for french speaking parts of switzerland! Don`t underestimate the FRENCH CONNECTION
EJunkie's Avatar
The Conservative Party winning a majority in the House of Commons a portend of things to come in the November 2011 US elections?

Last night the historical Liberal Party was almost nearly written off into extinction at the gain of the NDP. And the Bloc Quebecoiss?? Well the separtist movement is all but dead??????

The Conservatives hold a firm majority and will govern from the center right for at least the next four years. The CP platform is pretty close to that of the Tea Party - balanced budget, lower taxes, more efficent government, federalism.

Is Canada's future looking brighter than that of the US?

Your thoughts ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
A couple of points.

The Conservative Party is in its' current version is the first to have both a social and economic "right wing" position. Historically they have been just right of centre on social issues.

While they gained a lot of seats and now have a majority; they only gained 2% of the vote. Over 60% of those that voted, voted against the Conservative party. The seat gain was generally to to vote splitting.

As to balanced budget, lower taxes, more efficent government, federalism. The Conservatives inherited a budged surplus when they first came to power (in a minority government) and have established a huge deficit. They have lowered taxes (although, again, they inherited aggressive business tax reductions implement by the prior Liberal government); which may explain the deficit problem. The Conservative party has established processes and organizations to control what government members and civil servants (including the military) can say in public; I don`t see that as more efficient. They have by in large tried to get out of federal responsibility and push it down to the provinces.
Thanks for all this background info.......I am curious, as a Texan watching your returns on CSPAN last night..yes, I spent several hours glued to the TV watching returns roll in.....why did some candidates (Lib, NDP and CP) speak in both french and english when addressing their audiences, but the BQ candidate spoke only in French. As an outsider it looked liked the English speaking group was appeasing the Quebec's and the BQ candidate had no interest in returning the favor????
EJunkie's Avatar
The BQ`s target are the separatists who are Francophone. Generally the only time they will speak English is when they want to get time in the English media.
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  • 05-03-2011, 03:12 PM
I am curious, as a Texan watching your returns on CSPAN last night..???? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Hey there for succession in Quebec like Perry is for it down here in Texas?
A more relevant question is how long you think it wil be before the US has a similar separtist issue with the Hispanic demographic urging succeession from the USA?

Hey there for succession in Quebec like Perry is for it down here in Texas? Originally Posted by WTF
It is going to be intersting to watch Canadian politics unfold!
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  • 05-03-2011, 03:22 PM
A more relevant question is how long you think it wil be before the US has a similar separtist issue with the Hispanic demographic urging succeession from the USA? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
After we suc all the oil out of it, they can have it back.

I'd swap all of Texas for either of their coasts right now

I'd swap you Tea Party folks for a couple of their mules, they are twice the workers and ten times smarter!