an update ..

Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Many people have asked for an update on my condition. They have determined I have mesial temporal sclerosis. Which is damage in the temporal lobe of my brain. This could have been causes by a brain infection or head injury. I just finished some heavy antibiotics for any infection in my brain.

They are attempting some new medicines and with all hopes they will help to manage any episodes. If this doesn't work the next step will be surgery to remove the damaged part of my brain.
pickupkid's Avatar
get well soon Kisses Pickupkid
Jet Carson's Avatar
Prayers for you sweetheart !
Daracus's Avatar
Get well soon!
Guest010619's Avatar
Prayers to you sweety.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Hope the medications are effective, know that others are praying for your recovery.
Hope you find the strength to deal with all the frustrations and setbacks. You are frequently in my thoughts.

Take care of yourself.

bamatide's Avatar
I'm praying for you!!
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts. The support is amazing <3
Hope you get better and hang in there! Be strong!
Peter Gozinya's Avatar
Oh wow! Hope the best for you!
Thank you for the update. Prayers and best of wishes out to you.
Hope the best for you.
Take care of yourself. We are here for support!!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Healthy thoughts, prayers and love to you! As always, if you need anything at all just call me.

Kelli Ann