Now Hiring: Moderator

We seem to be down one Moderator today. As Foreigner said, it's a Blue morning, Blue day.
Yeeeeah...didn't see that one coming. lol
Laugh all you want...

maybe he was promoted to Admin...
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Did he get fired?
Nope he's in technical staff programming now, haven't you noticed any changes? lol
Chincho's Avatar
So how many of you are considering getting on your knees and begging for his spot and how many of you already have?

Y'all can publicly state all the bullshit you want, but most of you probably relish the idea of being a mod since without $$$ women only socially tolerate you and sexually ignore you in the world.

Be careful about what you ask for because you might just get it!
Chincho's Avatar
Originally Posted by a10bomb
That was a good one a10!!!
So how many of you are considering getting on your knees and begging for his spot and how many of you already have?

Y'all can publicly state all the bullshit you want, but most of you probably relish the idea of being a mod since without $$$ women only socially tolerate you and sexually ignore you in the world.

Be careful about what you ask for because you might just get it! Originally Posted by Chincho
I believe it was you making a complete ass out of himself in Houston trying to suck dick and be a mod fluffer.
Chincho's Avatar
Chincho's Avatar
Maybe I speak from expierence
Chincho's Avatar
I admit I enjoyed getting those pansies all pissed off