Markets spell more bad news for DPST attempts to wreck the economy

  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2020, 10:44 AM
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yep. And this is why neither the Dems nor Republicans were in any rush to make a deal on more stimulus funds. Their donor class is doing fine now. They were only in a hurry the first time because the market was crashing.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You may need a full case of Brawny paper towels to manage your driveling. I'm glad they are far apart by 2.2 TRILLION. The Senate wants to get $1.1T directly to Americans (Trump just did that), while the House wants to spend $3.3T that it does not have for Socialist wet dreams. They do not give a rat's pah-toot about working Americans.

(Couple good charts included in the below article)

Trump Won Re-Election This Weekend

Trump Destroys Abusive Democrats In Stimulus Showdown

President Trump won re-election this weekend with his four executive orders.

We haven’t even reached the DNC convention in Milwaukee and it looks to me like this election season is over.

I know the polls keep trying to convince me that Joe Biden, most likely suffering from dementia, is leading President Trump but I just don’t buy it.

And neither do the Democrats.

Because if they did they wouldn’t be so desperate to push through unlimited mail-in voting as their political hill to die on.

And die on it they have.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi held up a new round of stimulus legislation over this issue. The massive gap between the GOP and DNC proposals highlight only part of the political divide between the two sides.

The real divide was in enshrining in law the kind of mail-in voting which would ensure near unlimited cheating and ballot harvesting which would give the Democrats their best chance at “winning the election.”

Pelosi thought she had Trump cornered on this because he had to cave to spend that $1.7 trillion he’s already collected through treasury auctions which prove the Big Lie that the dollar is about to die false.

But all he had to do was make payroll tax irrelevant for a majority of taxpayers in this country...

**** Bonus material

But the Demonicrats will SUE?!? Maybe others as well. Piglosi and Schmucface will... what? Wag their fingers sternly. Trump corn-holed them, butt good. Ghee you think he thought they would sue him? Have they ever not sued him? Might want to think that through a bit more.

The lay of the land here:

Furious Democrats Faced With A Daunting Question: Will They Dare To Challenge Trump's Stimulus Orders

To be fair, maybe Piglosi should be permitted to charge him the extra $100 for Greek, which is reasonable and not without precedent. 'Cause she she sure took one up the pooper here, master legislator that she claims to be.

Let the wailing and gnashing of claws and fangs commence. I've talked to regular working Joes (without dementia) and they just want a little sump'n-sump'n in their pockets to tide them over and don't need Socialist wet dreams to get by on. The non-working class could care less and just want free schtuff and are dumb enough to call anybody Daddy if they gets the dinero.
  • Tiny
  • 08-11-2020, 01:46 PM
After all the Wuhan virus and city mayor and state governor led riots and violence in an attempt by DPST's to wreck the economy to hurt trump - America is resilient":

11:30 today -

Market DOW
28,066.70 ▲

10,976.61 ▲

S&P 500
3,377.14 ▲

Crude Oil
42.25 ▲

Unless Lizzie, AOC and Bernie get control of the economy of America - in which case leave - Venezuela is coming.

Vpte Biden - the last vote ever in Amerika!

Originally Posted by oeb11
Yep. And this is why neither the Dems nor Republicans were in any rush to make a deal on more stimulus funds. Their donor class is doing fine now. They were only in a hurry the first time because the market was crashing. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
If Democrats sweep the presidency, Senate and House, and if the market believes Biden's tax policy is likely to become law, then the market should go down, all other things being equal. The reasons -

A. Biden intends to raise the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28%. If you do the math and ignore state income taxes, that's a reduction of 9% in after tax corporate income. Assuming the market continues to value shares on the same multiple of earnings, share prices go down by 9%.

B. Biden intends to raise the long term capital gains tax rate on high earners from 23.8% to 43.4%. So the high earners are going to be selling like crazy before 12/31/2020 to lock in the lower capital gains tax rate. This selling will depress stock prices.

C. The regulatory environment under Trump was friendly for business. This will change under Biden, and will cause some corporations' costs to go up, which in turn will cause their earnings and share prices to go down. Imagine the effect for example on the price of energy shares if fracking is banned.

D. OK, this is a more long term consideration, and people who are smarter than I am (e.g. LustyLad) might very well say I'm full of shit. However I believe deficit spending under Biden and a Congress dominated by Democrats may explode. The only way they can pay for everything they intend to do is to tax the middle class. The wealthy can't pay for it all. But, given politicians don't give a crap what happens after they leave office, or even after the next election, the good times will roll and the national debt will go up, even faster than it did under Obama and Trump. The Fed meanwhile has proven itself to be a huge Dove, with real interest rates negative or close to "0". So at some point you see inflation and devaluation of the dollar. Then interest rates go up. This increase in rates causes the earnings multiple for stocks to decline. Right now, when you only get 0.65% interest on 10 year bonds, paying 30X earnings for a stock makes a lot of sense. If that interest rate goes to 5%, it doesn't. Why_Yes_I_Do foreshadows what's coming here:

I'm glad they are far apart by 2.2 TRILLION. The Senate wants to get $1.1T directly to Americans (Trump just did that), while the House wants to spend $3.3T that is does not have for Socialist wet dreams. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Grace Preston's Avatar
To manage my... driveling?

That's not drivel.. that's just stating fact. Neither party is pressed to figure it all out unless the donor class is worried. I'm not concerned about it-- I'm fine financially and don't need another check (first check just went towards paying down debt). I'm perfectly happy with the markets going up.. as is my Roth. If the markets were tanking as they were back in March/April then the likelihood of one side or another taking a shit deal would go up exponentially. If you don't believe that-- you're a fucking fool.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous are welcome to drivel all over me, Grace!

Yous may need to sends WYID a dictionary though.
matchingmole's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Whether I fuck a fool or not (and provide an informative review) may be limited due to the provider's health these days. Regardless, Socialism don't cut it for America (period). Oh, and F*CK the Demonicrat shit-hole cities and States, let them die the death they earned.

Just in case you're mind is reeling towards the the direction of Joe-mentia's fleeting brain stem, in April, when the stock market was for shit, GEPOTUS and the Senate prevailed and culled the Socialist wet dreams from the House bill and Got 'er Dun.

Bummer the markets are prognosticating Joe won't fly, instead of tanking on him making it. Leastwise, that's how I see it. All the Demonicrats (China's lackeys) must be stupefied of Trump The Terminator. He just keeps coming. Maybe we'll see ya at the hangings. With luck, Trump will cut an EO making that day (maybe the week) a National holiday to help drive up attendance.

To manage my... driveling?

That's not drivel.. that's just stating fact. Neither party is pressed to figure it all out unless the donor class is worried. I'm not concerned about it-- I'm fine financially and don't need another check (first check just went towards paying down debt). I'm perfectly happy with the markets going up.. as is my Roth. If the markets were tanking as they were back in March/April then the likelihood of one side or another taking a shit deal would go up exponentially. If you don't believe that-- you're a fucking fool. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Grace Preston's Avatar
Point of order..

I'm not a fan of Biden and I've mentioned multiple times that I won't be voting for him. In fact.. now that Harris is his VP nod-- I'm hoping for a Trump victory (though, I won't vote for him). The DNC needs to learn the lesson they refused to learn in 2016.. and if it takes 4 more years of Trump, so be it.
The top 10%ers that own 90%+ of the stock market know trump is gone in a few months. They know they have to own and control the market while they can to gain more wealth while fuckng the middle class. They own trump (pencil is clueless) but Biden/Harris will focus more on the working people and the CLIMATE. I don't have to work but my kids and grandkids have to work and breath a lot more years I hope
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm amazed by how many folks... on a SHMB... like Harris-- one of the people behind the demise of Backpage.. and one of the biggest supporters of FOSTA/SESTA.

She can DIAF as far as I'm concerned.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The top 10%ers that own 90%+ of the stock market know trump is gone in a few months. They know they have to own and control the market while they can to gain more wealth while fuckng the middle class. They own trump (pencil is clueless) but Biden/Harris will focus more on the working people and the CLIMATE. I don't have to work but my kids and grandkids have to work and breath a lot more years I hope Originally Posted by Tsmokies

as a top 10%er we've already had the conference call. you know .. the one where we decide who gets to be President? and who we let be successful? sorry you missed the cut. Again. this guy made the cut by unanimous vote.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Just vote for Trump and deny you did. Otherwise, it's like accepting the donation and not providing the service. In the case of the former, no review provided, not so in the latter. I say that, knowing Joe-mentia is pretty much a scrambled egg in his head. All the classic signs are there (no hyperbole). To be succinct; we are within a single election of going down the Socialist shitter. Whether we do or not will not change the inevitable violence, but let's at least try to make sense out of our violence episode.

Point of order..

I'm not a fan of Biden and I've mentioned multiple times that I won't be voting for him. In fact.. now that Harris is his VP nod-- I'm hoping for a Trump victory (though, I won't vote for him). The DNC needs to learn the lesson they refused to learn in 2016.. and if it takes 4 more years of Trump, so be it. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Grace Preston's Avatar
I have.. and will continue... to undervote as long as candidates are put forward that I cannot in good conscience support. Voting for the "lesser of two evils" is still voting for an evil.

Can you imagine what kind of world we could have where instead of voting for the least bad.. we could vote for the better of two great candidates?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
and he died a hero trying to keep the internets free.

I'm amazed by how many folks... on a SHMB... like Harris-- one of the people behind the demise of Backpage.. and one of the biggest supporters of FOSTA/SESTA.

She can DIAF as far as I'm concerned. Originally Posted by Grace Preston