Biden picks Kamala Harris, his former 2020 rival, to be his vice presidential running mate

matchingmole's Avatar
Lapdog's Avatar
Wise choice, Mr. President.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Great choice!
Her hair smelled the best!

Quid Pro Joe will be constantly reminded of her name and how to pronounce it.
From a slaveholder family. Yes, great democratic choice.
Great choice! Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Again your right SPEED!!
Remind us again why she drop her candidacy...this isn't from a "right wing" source.

What was it she said about bitten in the debates??

Tell us SPEED who is going to tote all that BAGGAGE??
OH hell yes. We will again have two people with class n dignity in the White House. Mutt n Jeff have to go
matchingmole's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
why she drop he candidacy?
Is that all you got Mole Hole??
You never deal with issues...because you can't!!
You have nothing to're worthless as always.
Lapdog's Avatar
Get used to losing, junior. Now is your time to shine and fly high, little bunny!
I think the most pressing issue trump has to deal with is the NFL again. Can you imagine being on his security adviser team while he watches fix n friends lol
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LMAO! Biden didn’t “pick” anyone, he doesn’t even know what planet he’s on let alone have the awareness to pick a VP candidate. His handlers assigned their affirmative action choice, hoping she’ll help recover the votes of all the normal black people they’ve lost with their BLM riots and defund the police crap. They’ll lose badly.
Lapdog's Avatar
Crow is the fruit of the can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it.....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Crow is the fruit of the can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it..... Originally Posted by Lapdog

you'll eating it for 4 more years. i hear a bland diet is bad for the digestion. gives ya the runs. maybe you should look into side salads?

  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2020, 04:04 PM
if harris' patron Willie Brown (from Mineola TX) - were still alive - he would be in line for the soon to be open VP slot - if Biden wins - it won't be for long.

willie's videos of harris on her knees will soon be priceless.

maybe One of willie's kids for harris' VP!!!