Your Pick

For the ladies and the guys:

If you could bed one newscaster or news personality, who would it be?

[For me: Brianna Kieler. Betcha thought I was going to say Rachel Maddow. ]
The good ole boy from Ms, Shep Smith. Besides liking his looks, I like his sarcasm.
Anderson Cooper!.....but I've heard he's gay?
ThrillBill88's Avatar
I'd start with Martha Mcallum at 8:00AM. Rest for awhile, then go for Jenna Lee at 10:00. Rest a while longer, then it's time for Megan Kelley. And, if only I could get Shannon Bream to do doubles.
Anderson Cooper!.....but I've heard he's gay? Originally Posted by Valerie
You're just trying to get free clothes from his mother.
Julie Banderas
Naomi4u's Avatar
Anderson Cooper!.....but I've heard he's gay? Originally Posted by Valerie
+1. Very sexy man.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I always like Lisa Feronda here in Houston but she is no longer with them...
You're just trying to get free clothes from his mother. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
No way!....He's smart, articulate, and calls people on their shit! I love watching me some AC360!
LynetteMarie's Avatar
It was a tough choice between Matt Lauer and Lester Holt but the winner is...... Lester Holt!

Charming, sexy, smart and very silly at times.
discreetgent's Avatar
I can't believe you are objectifying people like this!!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Hello Ms Kelly!