Pricing Themselves Out

Recently I made contact w/ a favorite I hadn't seen in years, now in the Dallas area. Made her a nice offer to come visit Houston for a day, $1K. That may sound like a lot to some of you, but she is top shelf, and this would have involved her traveling and hanging out for hours. Initially she enthusiastically agreed. Upon further conversation, however, we got to the meat of the matter and she claimed she'd need 3K if anything good were going to happen. 'Still interested?' she asked me. NO. No I am not.

Then, there's one I know who recently got fired from the Colorado (a real little b too, she got fired for getting involved in an argument that had nothing to do with her and breaking a customer's glasses). Invited her to come have fun w/ me & a friend I recently posted about from Splendor. Offered her a generous 500. She said she'd take it, but only if it were 'just to hang out.' In other words, no fun. This girl hasn't worked in weeks and was still willing to turn down good money.

Like the rest of you, I often wonder what goes through their heads. Smdh...
kerwil62's Avatar
Man you're talking about chicks that are used to clowns giving them money to be their bootleg psychiatrists. Their main objective is to make as much money doing the less work possible. And in most cases they do not want to fuck you because they got some sorry ass boyfriend getting the pussy rawdog and for free.

That chick you offered 5 bills to that claimed she hadn't worked in weeks lied to you. She's been working alright. Working her game to find the next sucker available. And I bet she's found a couple while fucking some sorry ass dude rawdog and for free.
They don't like you. End of discussion.
They don't like you. End of discussion. Originally Posted by mike mendez
Every smart person likes money, son. If you knew my track record, you'd know how likable I am.
Every smart person likes money, son. If you knew my track record, you'd know how likable I am. Originally Posted by PBPM_Lover
And you still couldn't get laid with 500 dollars. Carry on.
^^ and you were rejected from multiple spas Wolfie aka shinepro
^^ and you were rejected from multiple spas Wolfie aka shinepro Originally Posted by Back2HoustonHobby
shinepro is kind of cool in a harmless silly way.
aubbrey's Avatar
You should have kept that story to yourself...if you cant get laid for 5 bills you're either
A) one ugly MF
B) Obese as fuck
C) both A and B
^^ and you were rejected from multiple spas Wolfie aka shinepro Originally Posted by Back2HoustonHobby
Bro like what the foook back ho how my name got interjected into this conversation. Like bro I ain't got no squash with you and can't understand for the Shine of me why you put my name in countless shenanigans. Like I stay in my lane. Maybe learn by that. Treyway! Toodlez...
And you still couldn't get laid with 500 dollars. Carry on. Originally Posted by mike mendez
Wrong again, boy. Just sharing a story of two hoes who didn't know what was good for them. You must've missed the part where I said I was already with one from Splendor/CF and was seeking an addition. If you saw her you'd probably wet yourself. And you wouldn't be able to afford her. You seem like the broke & bitter type.
Sign of the times. Money is jumping through the economy. Give it time and things will change. We are close to full employment, which means less women and rising prices.

At some point the economy will change and more people will lose their job, because of job loses more women will lean on the hobby to make ends meet. Prices will flatten, which means your dollars go father.

Save your money, have a beer, and keep your money,when a lady will value you money.
Wrong again, boy. Just sharing a story of two hoes who didn't know what was good for them. You must've missed the part where I said I was already with one from Splendor/CF and was seeking an addition. If you saw her you'd probably wet yourself. And you wouldn't be able to afford her. You seem like the broke & bitter type. Originally Posted by PBPM_Lover
If you are such a stud, then why even bitch about fails? Real studs keep plugging away and don't have time to get online to rant about stupid shit that no one cares about in the end because it didn't happen to them. I can see why them two hoes of yours tried to milk you for what you are worth. You don't deserve pussy even with money in hand. Them two hoes proved that.
LOL. People do care, judging by the views & responses. Sharing info - the good and the bad - is what this forum is for. Lots of guys have had similar experiences where they made a solid offer and someone turned it down, to their detriment, because they earned nothing. I was just sharing information, not fishing for boneheaded criticism from newbies. Over the years, I've gotten about as good at the game as one can get, and I've had most of Houston's best. So stfu already, son. You're probably a "one dance and done" guy at the cheap clubs.