Why the Federal Budget can NEVER BE BALANCED

waverunner234's Avatar
The Federal Budget can never be balance.
Here is why:

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I fully understand the reason behind the so called tax cut that was taken from the SS tax. This will help to further keep SS in trouble.
The answer will be to print more money which will create hyper inflation and screw us all.
Who proposed (and extended multiple times) the SS cut?
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-22-2012, 07:48 AM
If our elected officials keep spending like their is no tomorrow it can only get worse. I know Dec 21, 2012 is just a few months away. But what happens when nothing happens.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It will be balanced, one way or another. Once the economy collapses, it will balance. Nothing in, nothing out.
waverunner234's Avatar
It will be balanced, one way or another. Once the economy collapses, it will balance. Nothing in, nothing out. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

budget? what budget? we dont have a budget
A laugh line always works best when it has some truth to it...........................
joe bloe's Avatar
It will be balanced, one way or another. Once the economy collapses, it will balance. Nothing in, nothing out. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Germany had more debt than it could possibly pay after WWI because of the the Treaty of Versailles. Germany essentially cancelled their debt by inflating their currency. If you can print money, you can always pay off debt. We can print sixteen trillion in currency tomorrow and be debt free. Of course, the effect of devaluing the currency would be horrific. My guess is, that's where we're headed.

America is just like an individual that lives beyond his means. For a while he can find lenders that will support his buying habits at a reasonable interest rate. As he gets deeper and deeper in debt, the lenders begin to demand higher interest rates because of the additional risk involved in lending to him. At some point, the lenders refuse to lend to him at any interest rate, because they fear he will declare bankruptsy and they won't get paid at all. That's the path America is on. In the end, we won't declare bankruptsy, we will just pay our debt with a worthless dollar.
No matter what, the solution to the debt bomb will be most painful to the working and middle classes............the wealthy will feel very little pain and the poor will likely continue to get by on minimal government and private charity assistance....

But the middle class dream of upward mobility will be crushed for decades.................it is dispicable that Obama came into office with so much good will and squandred any opportunity to craft a reasonable solution to solving our debt problem. Instead he doubled down on his Marxist fantasy to destroy the American middle class and American Exceptionalism....speeding up our demise.
joe bloe's Avatar
No matter what, the solution to the debt bomb will be most painful to the working and middle classes............the wealthy will feel very little pain and the poor will likely continue to get by on minimal government and private charity assistance....

But the middle class dream of upward mobility will be crushed for decades.................it is dispicable that Obama came into office with so much good will and squandred any opportunity to craft a reasonable solution to solving our debt problem. Instead he doubled down on his Marxist fantasy to destroy the American middle class and American Exceptionalism....speeding up our demise. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He's implementing the Cloward-Piven strategy.

waverunner234's Avatar
No matter what, the solution to the debt bomb will be most painful to the working and middle classes............the wealthy will feel very little pain and the poor will likely continue to get by on minimal government and private charity assistance....

But the middle class dream of upward mobility will be crushed for decades.................it is dispicable that Obama came into office with so much good will and squandred any opportunity to craft a reasonable solution to solving our debt problem. Instead he doubled down on his Marxist fantasy to destroy the American middle class and American Exceptionalism....speeding up our demise. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Please explain to me because I don't get it.

What is : "American Exceptionalism"

I really hope that you don't mean to say that America would be a better country than all others, because that would be a total failure on your side.
Wake up, there are many better countries than America.
waverunner234's Avatar

- 1 in every 100 people resides in prison. No other country can match that.
- 50% of people pay no income tax. Why? Because they are so poor they can't afford it.
- We are such a free country that I can't even paint my own condo yellow if I want it.
- If I fuck my neighbor girl and give her some money to get by, I go to prison.

If you really want to live free, you have to go to the so-called nanny states in Europe.

You won't find it in America

But of course really stupid people like WW believe in this country where only one thing counts:
Do you have money? You can have everything, if not, you're fucked.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
American exceptionalism is a concept that has been eroded over the years by corrupt politicians seeking power and using taxpayer money to buy votes. As Constituted, there has never been, or ever will be again, I suspect, a country like the United States of America.

It is also a fact that those other "better" countries would not be what they are if it weren't for the US. The US provides a buffer from the onslaught of tyranny that has at various times tried to take over the globe. We are getting to the point where that buffer will no longer exist, and those other "better" countries will no longer have the protection they need from the US to remain the way they are.

A world without a free America will look much more like China or the former Soviet Union than it will look like Norway, Sweden or some of those "better" countries. That is why it is so important that we turn things around here, that we renew our commitment to liberty, limited government and the Constitution.

America needs to quit this this rush toward fascism, needs to quit protecting the ultra-rich from market competition, needs to quit allowing a central bank to manipulate our currency for the benefit of world bankers rather than the people of the US, we need to quit meddling in the affairs of foreign countries where we have no interest at stake, and we need to quit taxing people for being productive.

Do you have any idea how much our prison population would decrease if we did just one thing? That is, end this stupid war on drugs? This is partly what's wrong with America. We start a war on drugs - guess what? Drugs win. We start a war on poverty - guess what? Poverty wins. It's insane, but it is all about the concentration of power in the hands of the few, at the expense of the many. We no longer have a "government of the people, by the people and for the people." It's all in the hands of a few power corrupted individuals.

America is the problem right now. What we do will affect the entire world, even those "better" countries. If we fail, we all go down. If we succeed, and turn things around, the world will rise once again. It's up to us. It doesn't matter what Russia, China, Iran, Israel or India does. It is all up to us. We have to get this right.

We have to.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-22-2012, 01:18 PM
WR, how much time do you spend outside the US? We still have it better than most. I agree that our trumped up prison population is absurd for the reasons COG gave. 50% of the population not paying taxes because they are poor?? Most are living better than a lot of us did in the 50's and 60's. As for your Condo, didn't you read the contract before you signed the deal? Nobody forced you to live there.