Texas judge predicts civil war if Obama re-elected

I haven't checked....but, I'm guessing Judge Head is a repuke. So, who agrees with this fine upstanding member of the Texas judiciary? Will there be a civil war if Obama is re-elected? Will "UN troops" invade Texas? Will the good judge be successful in repelling this assault by flinging his body in front of the invading UN vehicles? Inquiring minds want to know.

You just can't make this shit up.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, Timmy, I think you got this one right. I saw the article and considered posting it. This judge is most likely a Republican, and probably an Evangelical. By definition, he's an idiot, and shouldn't even be a judge. I don't know why it's news, it's not like Evangelical Republicans need any help looking foolish.
Well, Timmy, I think you got this one right. I saw the article and considered posting it. This judge is most likely a Republican, and probably an Evangelical. By definition, he's an idiot, and shouldn't even be a judge. I don't know why it's news, it's not like Evangelical Republicans need any help looking foolish. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You don't know why it's news? When an elected member of the judiciary states that there is going to be a civil war as a result of an election? I guess you're so used to being exposed to this kind of insane shit from Republicans that it's not newsworthy. Sort of a sad commentary on our current state of affairs.

I disagree and don't think you "got this one right."
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gee. I can't even be nice to you. You're a tough one, Timmy.

Have a nice day, if that doesn't interfere with your plans.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-23-2012, 11:01 AM
my state is a sanctuary for republican bible thumpers, the good judge is mainstream. no big surprise there..
my state is a sanctuary for republican bible thumpers, the good judge is mainstream. no big surprise there.. Originally Posted by CJ7
I dunno...even the folks from Lubbock seem a bit taken aback if you read the comments on their local newpaper website. Here's some editorial comment about what an embarrassment this clown is:


Judge Head sounds flat crazy and even the reddest of a very red state know it.
Texas will be the first to leave the union...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-23-2012, 11:18 AM
I dunno...even the folks from Lubbock seem a bit taken aback if you read the comments on their local newpaper website. Here's some editorial comment about what an embarrassment this clown is:


Judge Head sounds flat crazy and even the reddest of a very red state know it. Originally Posted by timpage

ok, hes not as mainstream as I suspected

the sanctuary must be full
TexTushHog's Avatar
Yeah, I don't think he's as mainstream as we sometimes think. But it's shocking that someone who is clearly got some education can think that. It shows how culturally isolated we can become these days.
Yeah, I don't think he's as mainstream as we sometimes think. But it's shocking that someone who is clearly got some education can think that. It shows how culturally isolated we can become these days. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Since when did having an education really make one smart? LOL

I know lots of very educated folks who throw all common sense and logic out the window when it comes to their insane beliefs. This board is a prime example of that, but then again maybe most of our posters are really high school drop outs pretending to be really college educated..heh heh

This judge is digging a hole for himself and does make himself sound like some lunatic that forgot to take his medication, imho
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-23-2012, 01:12 PM
It would be great fun to watch a debate between this political genius and Marion Berry. Might as well add in Jessie Ventura. We could all eat our popcorn and learn some things.
LovingKayla's Avatar
What's wrong with prepping for worst case? That's what folks in charge do right? Doesn't our own government have plans? Isn't that defcon 1 is for?

He is right. If Obama were to give our sovereignty to the UN, there would be civil war. Will he? Probably not.... But better safe than sorry. I'd still rather be laughed at with a full belly and lots of work than say "told u so" any day.
joe bloe's Avatar
Texas will be the first to leave the union... Originally Posted by ekim008
I'm ok with that.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Me too.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-23-2012, 02:28 PM
And some of us would be quite willing to let you go.