Romney and Obama: Both Wrong on Medicare

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Intelligent discussion on the campaigns' rhetoric on Medicare.

From the article:

That's not to say that President Obama has been honest about these cuts either. First, the president claims that he is not actually cutting benefits for beneficiaries. That is technically true in that most of the cuts are reductions in payments to providers. But it is ridiculous to assume that cutting payments to doctors and hospital will have no impact on seniors. In fact, Medicare's own actuaries estimate that the cuts could force as many as 15 percent of hospitals to close. Similarly, at a time when physicians are already complaining that Medicare reimburses at a rate less than actual costs, additional reimbursement cuts will force many doctors out of practice or at least cause many to stop accepting Medicare patients. Seniors may still have their full Medicare benefits. They just won't be able to find a doctor who will take them.

The author isn't very nice to Romney either. More from the article:

But Romney and Ryan have been explicit that they wouldn't make changes to Medicare for anyone age 55 or older today. No one currently on Medicare would be thrown off the program, forced to pay more, or have his or her benefits cut.

Even those under age 55 would still have the option to stay in conventional Medicare if they wish. However, for those who want a different option, insurance companies would bid for the right to participate under Medicare. Plans would have to include certain minimum benefits and accept all applicants, regardless of age or current health. In the future, seniors could choose to receive a government payment equal to the second-lowest bid in his or her geographic area. If seniors choose a lower-cost plan, they could keep the difference. But if they choose to enroll in a more expensive plan, they'll have to pay the difference between what the government provides and the actual premium. This is what President Obama refers to as "turning Medicare into a voucher program."

Here's the entire article:
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  • WTF
  • 08-24-2012, 07:49 PM
Yes COG, finally a balance article.

They both suck.

We live longer. Adjustments need to be made. Adjustments like means tested and raising the age limit.

The problem is that our leaders can not tell us the truth because we do not want to hear the truth. The truth is that current retiree's and soon to be retiree's vote and they have a great deal going. They are sucking all the funds from Medicare and will vote anyone out that tries to make reasonable adjustments. Turns out Grandma and Grandpa are pretty damn selfish.

Good post btw. I knew you could post one good one every 10k or so!