joe bloe's Avatar
This could be bad news for Obama. Most people don't know much about Obama's bizarre history. A few million people will find just what kind of freak we've got for president this weekend. Hopefully this will have the same effect on Obama, the Swift Boaters had on John Kerry. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

FIRST BOX OFFICE: Anti-Obama Movie #1

FRIDAY 2 PM: The anti-Obama movie 2016 Obama’s America went into wider release around America today and is opening right now in first place at the domestic box office. That’s quite a feat since the Rocky Mountain Pictures political documentary is still playing in only 1,090 North American theaters – or about 1/3 as many theaters as big-budget actioner The Expendables 2 (3,355 theaters).....The success of the anti-Obama pic is based on big pre-sales leading into the Republican National Convention August 27-30, and exhibitors are reporting busloads of filmgoers arriving at theaters around the country in pre-organized trips.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-24-2012, 06:13 PM
Both online ticket-sellers Fandango and showed advance buying for 2016 Obama’s America were accounting for 35% to 28% respectively before this weekend.

Online ticket sellers.

Anybody wanna guess as to what percentage of the tickets sold actually get used?
joe bloe's Avatar
Both online ticket-sellers Fandango and showed advance buying for 2016 Obama’s America were accounting for 35% to 28% respectively before this weekend.

Online ticket sellers.

Anybody wanna guess as to what percentage of the tickets sold actually get used? Originally Posted by Doove

Obama is toast. The Chick-fil-A crowd strikes again! I'm going to enjoy watching his campaign fall apart. The smell of flop sweat is in the air.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-24-2012, 06:30 PM
Tell that to your buddy Scott Rasmussen.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Have you seen the movie, Doove? What do you think of it? I haven't seen it yet, so your review would be helpful.
Have you seen the movie, Doove? What do you think of it? I haven't seen it yet, so your review would be helpful. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Douche can't watch 2016 ,"Dreams from my Father". He knows what would happen.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-24-2012, 06:53 PM
buy a ticket by all means, theyre counting on all the Fox suckers to make them rich enough to laugh

But these political documentaries like faith-based films are frontloaded. The Stallone picture from Millenium/Lionsgate is still expected to end the weekend #1 and should top the box office tonight. And, based on matinee trends, 2016 Obama’s America looks to gross $1.2M-$1.7M Friday for a $3.7M-$5.0M weekend.

5$ million for the weekend?


chump change compared to the 40 50$ million a weekend hollywood blockbusters

nice try joe

If they would show the 2016 movie on matinee next week. The country would come to a stop with business and entrepreneur people skipping work... I have been waiting for the Silverado to matinee this movie. I would not want to cut into our quality time together...fuckers
joe bloe's Avatar
Tell that to your buddy Scott Rasmussen. Originally Posted by Doove
Rasmussen has Romney leading Obama again today in his daily tracking poll. Obama is toast.
joe bloe's Avatar
Both online ticket-sellers Fandango and showed advance buying for 2016 Obama’s America were accounting for 35% to 28% respectively before this weekend.

Online ticket sellers.

Anybody wanna guess as to what percentage of the tickets sold actually get used? Originally Posted by Doove
Put me down for 99%.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm waiting for Atlas Shrugged II coming in October, 2012.

Saw America 2016 on Thursday night.

Did you hear that 70% of Obama's twitter followers are just strawmen? Of course even strawmen vote in democratic elections.
SEE3772's Avatar
"The Obama Deception" has been out since March of 2008.

Also, "Fall of the Republic" made in 2009.

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama's Real Father Exposed!
Alex talks with filmmaker Joel Gilbert about his Dreams from My Real Father, a documentary that posits Obama's real father is was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama's world view during his formative years.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-25-2012, 04:13 AM
Rasmussen has Romney leading Obama again today in his daily tracking poll. Obama is toast. Originally Posted by joe bloe
And Obama easily ahead in the electoral college tracking poll.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-25-2012, 05:07 AM
Fahrenheit 9/11

Any of you see this movie? It aired in June of 2004.

Remember what Democrats who saw it said. ''How can anyone vote for Bush again after seeing this movie....''

Things for you righties to ponder before jacking off during your Tea Party Porno Flick!

SEE3772's Avatar
After reading this thread I knew FOX or some other banker run media source on tv would be covering this. I just finished watching Sean Hannity. Hour long special with the cast of the movie. More clueless people or paid actors, who knows. No mention of the Federal Reserve and their duel mandate, price stability and maximum employment.
Whomever is president... the people still blame but it's the Federal Reserves monatary policy that has destroyed the economy.