i get BANNED!

Seriously? I get banned from RTP? I could careless, being that I was going to ASK to be removed, but that really goes to show they are trying to HIDE something! I'm the one that got set up to be brutally robbed & beaten! That's rediculous! & ANYONE WHO WANTS TO KNOW THE TRUTH & WHAT I KNOW ABOUT THE SITUATIONS & THE GIRLS THAT SET ME UP, PM ME, ILL BE SURE TO GIVE YOU THE REAL INFO ASAP! I'm tired of being scared,& they can no longer so anything to me! I refuse to let them do this to any other girl! So hobbyist & providers, if you feel like you can handle the truth, & really want to know! ]? Me!


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  • Rxo
  • 03-16-2013, 07:35 PM
Tell it, sister! Everyone needs to know the truth.
I give it 6 months or less before that board goes under
  • Rxo
  • 03-17-2013, 02:35 AM
They've got lots to hide like the fact the PayPal sign up is a bogus sports digest page with links to stltoday the Post Dispatch's web site.Paypal does not allow adult businesses to collect money and will not be happy when this fraud is discovered and no telling how the Post will react.I certainly wouldn't want to have a bogus sign up page go to the local newspaper omg a reporters wet dream.So yeah stlbondfan maybe six months....
Yup and your payment goes to admin@ratethatprovider.com. Guess what that means? Divegirl can see your personal information because she can read emails for admin@ratethatprovider.com. As far as the verification stuff goes. I'm not sure what goes on behind the scenes and what information is shared between providers about your personal information if they happen to know it. I would hope that stuff isn't shared. That information should only come from the hobbyist himself if he should feel comfortable sharing it for verification purposes. I always figured that when you use another provider as a reference, it is serving as a sort of "character" reference because they have seen you and can vouch that you are trustworthy and a good client.

However, this type of verification is obviously flawed and it's why most traveling providers will not use it. In Sunni's (and maybe even Rxo and Kennedy's) case, I believe this flaw was exploited. I believe RTP has been creating a fake sense of "safety" for quite sometime with it's "Verified Mongers" and "Diamond Girls". While not explicitly saying these things, it gives them the ability to pick apart any provider who falls prey to the flaws. Using things such as the "LE Scare" are also methods to "encourage" providers to use the new "safe" screening methods of RTP but again it isn't explicitly said so they can always have deniability. But no one can say that having these special groups of providers and hobbyists were never meant for people to not trust. We now know that they are flawed but the people from RTP won't see it or admit it.

Since leaving RTP, I have found out things such as mock "hobbyist" accounts run by people who are friends of Destiny (DateNikki). Fake reviews written by hobbyists who have close connections. All with the intent of promoting their business. All of the spamming posts by Destiny and her friends point me to this. As well as Diveguy's PMs to all Verified and Executive members asking them to donate money or gifts to Destiny's "birthday" party meet n greet. Has he ever done this for any provider before in the past? Not that I've seen. That's because Diveguy, the site admin has been seeing Destiny as a client. Is it for free? I can't say for sure but I have heard that it is for free.

The whole free blowjob fiasco at a meet n greet (which is now claimed to not be free but it sounded that way from what was written in the meet n greet thread) was not just about the fact that a provider was giving away "free" services. It was about promoting of ones business by showing other hobbyists what kinds of people they can bring to RTP. Not exactly a safe situation if you ask me if those kinds of women "openly" admit to providing free services what kinds of things are they doing BCD? Also, no one seemed to mention the fact that it most definitely violated Desiny's own "Rules of Etiquette" for meet n greets that was posted by herself. At a bare minimum this means the meet n greets are unsafe and untrustworthy. Lets not kid ourselves here though, free services happen but it stays BCD. It was openly advertised for a reason. By the way I bet the guy who got the free BJ didn't even know that he was being "used" for this purpose just like my "detailed" reviews were probably intended to be used for this purpose originally. But, I created those for any provider who wanted them and I definitely got a feeling someone got a little jealous about it. Especially after one particular review got posted. I guess they didn't like finding out just how much better their protege was then they were. Not very good for their business. Notice I say "they".

Things can definitely get darker but they are harder to prove but are getting more and more "believable" after talking to several people about it. "Verified Monger" accounts were popping up from hobbyists with 0 reviews right before I left. Thats a red flag. Has someone even thought the possibility of "fake" Verified Monger accounts? Yup, that's right. I bet anything there is one. Especially looking at who is in charge of them. What can be done with this you might say? Well for starters, they can send any person they would like. They can have a different guy show up each time for scheduled visits, some good guys but every once in a while maybe it could be a bad and dangerous guy because they feel their business is threatened. Rxo might not be crazy, the guy could be a pimp for all we know. There is no telling how deep this stuff can go. And guess what? The guy can't really be linked to this account because after all, he has been seen by other providers and was a good guy when they saw him. I'm just presenting this as a possibility.
O maybe the guy really is a pimp like Rxo says and is using a Verified Monger account. This could easily be a guy who is fooling everyone, hobbyists and providers. If that's the case it would make Rxo's accusation sound absurd. People need to get their head out if their ass and at least consider the possibility because we now have providers getting hurt.

Now about RTP "pimp" activity. I think it is happening right in front of people's faces but in a nontraditional way. They have been encouraging providers to get into SD/SB type setups where groups of hobbyists can see a provider for a discounted monthly rate. I bet someone got sucked in and wanted out when she found out they were trying to control her business practices. Sounds like "pimp" activity to me. Pimps are the ones who set the prices and guess what they are doing over there for this stuff? I also found it highly amusing that Coach took so much offense to people not honoring their agreements. Yes it financially hurts the provider I can see this but why is it Coach's concern? It sure did make me start thinking maybe pimps liked Teddy Bears instead of fur coats. .
Oh and I'm not done yet. Lol. There have been instances of LE using RTP Diamond ladies as references. How the hell would LE know to use a Diamond lady as a reference? Another flaw I wanted to point out. Providers beware DO NOT accept provider references from anyone connected with Destiny Monroe or DateNikki.
Seriously, ill agree with a lot of your points , but overall I think your reaching a little . There's no way rtp is this organized to pull all these accusations off. Especially considering the biggest percentage of people involved were strangers before meeting through the site. It's hard enough for 2 people to successfully work together . Much less all the people involved in this imaginary conspiracy.
& can you believe some people have accused me of this being a conspiracy theory & a little far fetched? Like I make it a point to ruin girls rep! Why wasn't it unbelievable before names were mentioned? That's sad! Anyone can see the damage for themself in person if you would like? Did I thrw my own head into the door? Seriously people, if this shit wasn't true, which trust me, I WISH IT WASN'T, THEN Why would rtp all the sudden ban me from the website when I hadn't evenactually directly said anything about who actually did it! Like I told a few of you! If you don't believe this, its because you don't want to! Its crazy for someone like her to do such a thing, but I'm a conspiracy theorist that threw myself around?
Wow Good! Nice to see you here, since I can no longer communicate with you on rtp! But if this was a conspiracy, AGAIN.. WHY DID I GET BANNED FROM THE WEBSITE BEFORE EVEN THE MENTION OF ANY NAME! Who's words are those good? Doesn't sound like yours! Sounds like a discussion over on RTP coming here! Would you like to make an appt to see what's been done? Or even ask some of the members that seen me before I left! Cuz I make it a point to ruin providers career! Sheesh! Discredit me all you want! No, I'm not perfect! Yes, at one point people thought I 'exposed' the board, but in actual reality, when have I made it a point to just make upSOMETHING LIKE THIS? Sad to see people that personally know me filled with such BS! Where's the rest of you? Where 1 is all, & id love to hear all of your reasons for me being a conspiracy theorist, & all this being a little far fetched! But all of you were concerned & wishing me a speedy recovery before names were mentioned! Come on! Be serious!
Sunni is my friend; I stand behind her 100% and then some.
If two providers referred a client to Sunni with the intent of having that person rough Sunni for comments made on another board, those providers should be outed publicly on every board and should be blacklisted as providers in this city and nationally.

Think about a client who hit a provider..he would never be seen in this city again. To me, this is actually worse because Sunni trusted these girls to give good references and they took advantage of that relationship to have her beaten up.

And, if she got banned for making comments about the incident, then there is more proof that certain providers on that site are given preference over others, even when those providers have proven in the past they are a source of issues where ever they go.
I'm done! Apparently only people who don't like the accused are backing me up! I'm lying & destiny NEVER VERIFIED A GUY FOR ME THAT NIGHT! You people are so stupid you believe that stupid shit! Diveguy really has to be oblivious! Says he checked destinys phone, no reference check from me that night! DUH! WHY WOULD SHE KEEP THAT INHER PHONE? I was warned that coming out with the truth had consequences, but people telling me I have no proof & somebody that I know robbed me is absolutley rediculous! & that I made all this up to get more buisness? But I left for texas right? When did I ever have buisness trouble for me to go an make some accusations? I'm done! She will never be brought to light for all her wrong doing, so what's the point? All there going to do is try to make me seem like I'M THE FUCKED UP ONE!
You can't convince someone of something they don't want to believe. Dive mentioned that I didn't need to post I wanted my thread deleted, I could have sent him a message direct.... Well guess what?.. I did send him a privet e-mail to take me off the site. Then next thing I know I go from being a "Diamond Lady" to a "Confirmed Provider" Looks like "Divegirl" got my message instead.. That is funny to me!
Fuck I just accidentally erased my whole post. I have never met the other providers other than at one meet and greet. I've met Sunni a few times and have had conversations with her about my own experiences with snitches, LE, and conspiracies. I see things black and white , not what I want to believe. I don't discredit Sunni at all. I totally believe who ever did this to her had info from someone else. But I don't believe dive guy is involved and the site is a big conspiracy. I was the first member because of a post on BP and I did not know a single person in the hobbie. I will come see you , Sunni , maybe tonight. I'm closer to you than any one else involved in this. I'm not doubting you.