A Note From The Mods

Adeptus32's Avatar
While Modda and I are currently taking care of the mod duties for STL, it's not our primary responsibility. That would be Kansas City. We are helping out after the passing of your previous mod, and since no one here has stepped up to volunteer to fill the role.

That being said, for the small amount of constructive content that is posted here, you generate a ridiculous amount of drama. I receive more PM's reporting violations, asking for post edits and deletions, etc from STL than I do from the much more active KC forum. And frankly, both Modda and myself tire of dealing with it.

The purpose of ECCIE is to provide a forum for the sharing of relevant information about the hobby. This is to be done in an adult and constructive manner. It's not a venue to air your petty disagreements, hurl insults at one another, and carry on personal vendettas. If this is your desire, please take it to another board.

The rules for posting on ECCIE are simple and straight forward. They can be found in the link in my signature below. Read them. Understand them. And behave like responsible adults, not spoiled six year olds. If the behavior continues, expect the laxity and forgiving attitude that has been shown in regards to points for violations to change to a more stern and unforgiving approach.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
