Upward Economic Mobility - Not Texas

Randy4Candy's Avatar
You just gotta love how political "philosophy" and working the Bible over translates into an atmosphere where upward economic mobility comes up, shall we say, lacking. Look at all the RED in the graph. Then, TPunkers, if you can stay hooked (ha!) read through the article.

A little sumpin'-sumpin' from the Pew Research Center regarding where to be to go up. Of course, if one comes here to Texas from other states, it's kind of like taking candy (no "handle pun" intended) from babies...

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It looks to me like generally, upward mobility is easier in states that are losing population, and more difficult in states where population has been increasing. Hmmm . . . If the guy above you moves away, you stand a better chance of getting his job. If he's happy where he is, it's harder.

Nice try, RaggedyAndy.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You might want to look again, the Pew bunch addresses that - with RESEARCH, not some off-the-cuff, limp guess.

COsFb, NOT a nice try by you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They deal with statistics. I gave a reason. There's a difference. Their research is likely correct. Did they give any reasons WHY the statistics said what they did? I filled that gap for them. Just my way of being of service.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Ole' - look at the moving cape.....
cptjohnstone's Avatar
it's kind of like taking candy (no "handle pun" intended) from babies...

http://www.pewstates.org/research/da...ve-85899381539 Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
see you admit it
Randy4Candy's Avatar
cpLj, time for you to wash the bathrobe. It's getting stiff from all of the drool and fruits of your right hand's labor.
COGS right Candy4boys.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Yeah, but you right wing nuts just keep cutting my taxes and fucking your selves. I was looking at my tax return the other day and figuring out how much more I would pay if the Clinton rates were reinstated. The ridiculous cuts that your idiot President handed out to me is enough this year to pay the tuition for one of my two kids at an Ivy League University. So I'm only having to pay for one of the two. Ya'll (and your kids and grandkids) are paying for the other one. But relax. I'm a "job creator," right??!!!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The great thing about a republic of states is that if you do not like the state you are in you can leave.
That is if you can find a job in another state.
What, you have to be a Union member to work there. What the union is not taking in new members.
But relax. I'm a "job creator," right??!!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
only when you hire a butler

most lawyers destroy jobs
California was once the "land of milk and honey"...now, after decades of liberal Democrat rule, it is a disaster zone on the brink of bankruptcy.

No thank you TTH. Keep your marxist's ideas outta Texas.

BTW; I am happy you feel more prosperous under the Tea Party tax cuts.
Imagine just how prosperous you will feel when Obama gets the boot and Romney can start rebuilding the economy putting millions back to work again!

And if you are feeling at all guilty, you can always donate all that money to a charity - OF YOUR OWN CHOOSING. But I suspect you won't; you are likely just a blowhard plaintiff attorney who is as greedy as your fellow brethern. If your NOT, then prove me wrong and tell us how you donated all the excess tax cut earnings.....

Waiting your response........oh wait. You already told us - you spent it on yourself !

4karlos's Avatar
They deal with statistics. I gave a reason. There's a difference. Their research is likely correct. Did they give any reasons WHY the statistics said what they did? I filled that gap for them. Just my way of being of service. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COGS right Candy4boys. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
see you admit it Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
The great thing about a republic of states is that if you do not like the state you are in you can leave.
That is if you can find a job in another state.
What, you have to be a Union member to work there. What the union is not taking in new members. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
only when you hire a butler

most lawyers destroy jobs Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
California was once the "land of milk and honey"...now, after decades of liberal Democrat rule, it is a disaster zone on the brink of bankruptcy.

No thank you TTH. Keep your marxist's ideas outta Texas.

BTW; I am happy you feel more prosperous under the Tea Party tax cuts.
Imagine just how prosperous you will feel when Obama gets the boot and Romney can start rebuilding the economy putting millions back to work again!

And if you are feeling at all guilty, you can always donate all that money to a charity - OF YOUR OWN CHOOSING. But I suspect you won't; you are likely just a blowhard plaintiff attorney who is as greedy as your fellow brethern. If your NOT, then prove me wrong and tell us how you donated all the excess tax cut earnings.....

Waiting your response........oh wait. You already told us - you spent it on yourself !

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

So you guys got a free pass at the retirment home today? Watch your blood pressure, at your age and with all those viagras...tsss tss tss not good.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yeah, but you right wing nuts just keep cutting my taxes and fucking your selves. I was looking at my tax return the other day and figuring out how much more I would pay if the Clinton rates were reinstated. The ridiculous cuts that your idiot President handed out to me is enough this year to pay the tuition for one of my two kids at an Ivy League University. So I'm only having to pay for one of the two. Ya'll (and your kids and grandkids) are paying for the other one. But relax. I'm a "job creator," right??!!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Hint, hint!!! It's YOUR money -- YOU are paying for your child's tuition. It seems like someone clever enough to obtain a law degree would realize that.
Hey karlos; thanks for reposting my post. Keep spreading the good word.