Your Avatar & username

I have seen many avatars and usernames and it either made me smile or made me wonder if there was a story behind it.
My username is meant to be funny and when you meet me in person you will understand that I LOVE HUMOR.
Anita lay means= I NEED A LAY.... 2 funny.
jaydalee's Avatar
For mine I always liked the name Jada but I wanted to spell it a different way and the Lee I added just to separate myself from ladies that have the same name.Good question Anita I have seen some hobbyists usernames and some make me think why did he choose that name?Then there are some where their username piques my curiousity.
I like your picture...those perky, pretty, milk containers. sorry if it sounded crude but you have a NICE CHEST and is done with all respect -humor.
jaydalee's Avatar
Thank you not crude at all!lol
Still Looking's Avatar
Still Looking:

Yes, it’s Still Looking, strange visitor from another planet, with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men! Still Looking, who can change the course of providers, bend Bra Straps with his bare hands, and who, disguised as Still Looking, mild-mannered Hobbyist, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice and the American Lay!
happybanana's Avatar
Just looking to make the banana happy...
Ed = Me, a name, I call myself (fa = a long, long way to run...)

Highlight = Because when you see me, I'm/you're the highlight of your/my day!!!

My avatar can only be seen by ugly, humorless people!!
Lovin50's Avatar
Mine is fairly simple.
Lovin50 = I'm 50 and Lovin my life just as much as when I was 30 if not more! I hope everyone does!

My avatar has changed a few times as change is good for life. Currently it reflects my blind desire to enjoy a woman and her body. I also think a sexy blindfold is just Damm Hot!
burkalini's Avatar
Self explanatory.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi4u - Pure awesomeness!

A trustworthy friend, loves the ladies, gets out of town fast.

The avatar: a gift from a special lady!

Naomi4u - Pure awesomeness! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Yes ma'am!!


A trustworthy friend, loves the ladies, gets out of town fast.

The avatar: a gift from a special lady!

HUck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
Yes sir!!
Still Looking's Avatar
Naomi4u - Pure awesomeness! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Pure??? Hummmm You mean like a virgin??? LOL
Naomi4u - Pure awesomeness! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Pure??? Hummmm You mean like a virgin??? LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
Keep looking!!!
Was awestruck by this sculpture for 20+ years and never considered it significant to me untill recently. Seems like bridge burner comes to mind when one also considers the story behind the sculpture. It is loosely named Celtic Chieftan.