Analingus: Kiss My Grits

setman's Avatar
“Cleaning up the Kitchen”

“Smear the Tuna”

“Toss a Salad”

“Tell a French Joke”

“Bite the Brown”

It’s all Analingus!

When proper cleanliness is followed

is it as good for you to give

as it is for you to receive?

Or is it just a one way street for you?

Enjoy yourself.

Stay safe.

Be cool.


P.S. Who remembers where "Kiss My Grits" orginated from?
wcdann's Avatar
I can honestly say i do not like to recieve but if she is clean i dont mind giving. Id try about anything at least 1 time unless its something way off the wall. My star fish says exit only lol. setman i believe the phrase kiss my grits came from a tv show called alice where a waitress named Flow used it as her catch phrase. Wow that was back in the days when you would just have 13 tv channels and you thought it was awsome that you had that may choices lol i feel old now
I am much more into receiving.. if I am not mistaken I think this came up on another thread recently.
I was right, it's in the Another Realm section. Title is Rimming
SCBOY's Avatar
  • 10-07-2011, 01:07 AM
I love giving and receiving.
I like DATO better than DATY.
DallasRain's Avatar
Chica Chaser's Avatar
P.S. Who remembers where "Kiss My Grits" orginated from? Originally Posted by setman
C'mon Setty, thats not even a challenge
BigBaldBlk's Avatar it as good for you to it is for you to receive? Originally Posted by setman
Giving or Receiving...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Giving or Receiving...
Originally Posted by BigBaldBlk
Hilarious BBB!
London Rayne's Avatar
Only if I bathe them myself.