An officer ..,,not a Gentleman

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Correction,beware stalking is on the rise in Erie Crawford &cowards of the counties lol North North &a 3rd hoe hideout for my Harem is on its way
Ask Ms Moorhead what she thinks of you...
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Ask Ms Moorhead what she thinks of you... Originally Posted by dnashd11
She doesn't do dark...had a nice talk with her
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She doesn't do dark...had a nice talk with her Originally Posted by dnashd11
Racists remarks u digging yourself in a hole boy :mf_bluesbrot her:North north 12inches is all that matters to her &She don’t talk to u she scared of ,restraining orders& she lives with “dark meat”u know that but u don’t know where lol I love this banter &pics videos says it all lmao#porn status with her
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Impress me son post a pic of her if u got1 too funny u don’t son
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She doesn't do dark...had a nice talk with her Originally Posted by dnashd11
Is pissing u off 4life lol she don’t want u,miss you & she been done with u ,the 1bad side of the men in BLUE,North North I own her& many others many tricks in myRepertoire
she dates the white meat
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nOrh North