Hello Ladies & Gentlemen!
So. I have a serious question for you all. Has anyone else named their genitals? LOL. But really. I'm sure a lot of you men can relate! ...
Kroll the Warrior King. Larry, Long & Hairy, Hard To Carry. Hanky (Panky, of course). Dick Veiny. Womb Raider. Weapon of Ass Destruction. Pornhusker! Steve?
I for one, have named my little lady quite some time ago. She's precious to me. & I like to address her as a beautiful individual that just happens to reside in my pants. ;]
Which means, the beautiful one has come.
It was either that or Leeloo - The Fifth Element. The SUPREME BEING!
But I was like, "Whoa Tiff, calm down. The name of royalty who revolutionized Egypt as they knew it & ruled in the wealthiest period of Ancient Egyptian history will suffice!" Lol.
So. Have you named yours? Do tell! ;]