I really don't understand this

(Moderator's Note: Edited out per Member's request)
  • ndark
  • 02-14-2010, 03:15 PM
I'm sure she understands, just as you understand how she feels. You put it out for all to see, just ride the wave and keep doing what you do! Your well thought out posts are welcome anytime-NDark
(Mod note: Edited out per member's request) Originally Posted by Livonia
Livonia, I for one, appreciate and respect your post. If in the past year, you may not have figured out from here and aspd that for some the internet and the cloak of anonaminity gives them the right to be an absolute asshole. They tend to say things they'd never say at a cocktail party and certainly never to your face.

Thanks for sharing and thanks for contributing. A provider's preferences are her choice and if that doesn't match up to how you'd like to spend your $, its certainly your choice not to. As has been discussed in multiple threads over the years, we all have our preferences.

To those who continue to be sharp of tongue and lack the civility I'm certain your mother tried to teach you, you should refrain from expressing your opinion unless it can be positive. I've never met Kyla. I'm sure she's a sweet girl. Her menu is a deal killer for me. On the other hand, based on what I've read, I'm not a prospect for her because of age. Fine with me - no harm, no foul - her choice and mine. I've never met Livonia either, but apparently, you're a gentlemen who is shy and sensitive. Thanks for opening up. In my opinion, you're an important part of this community since you contribute, unlike some of the lurkers who take all they can take and give nothing in return.

Chin up, Livonia. There are plenty of providers who I'm sure would appreciate your company and your business. And no, in no way do your health problems make you any less of a man. It takes a real man to step up to the plate and share!
HSP's Avatar
  • HSP
  • 02-14-2010, 04:16 PM

Don't feel like you have to leave on just because you were open and honest. Hell we all have issues to some degree. As far as hateful e-mails, they will NOT be tolerated and those can be addressed. The ECCIE community is for EVERYONE. Please don't feel like because you addressed something very personal about yourself and had the guts to do so that you are not welcome or that you should be embarrassed. You had the courage to do so and you should be applauded.

legs4me's Avatar
Livonia, I lurked on the aspd board for a while before I joined here. I am glad you posted and shared your thoughts. It gave me something to think about. If you leave which I hope you don't your openness will be missed. There are times when I might not agreee with others but they have every right to voice a opinion without being attacked. By reading and researching from posts here I have learned much. Thanks to all of you.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
(Moderator's Note: Edited out per member's request). Originally Posted by Livonia
Only because you let them win.

I'm sorry that there are pricks in the world, but some people are assholes. The rest of us just have to live with them.

Best to remember the ancient wisdom: Illegitimus non est carborundum. ("Don't let the bastards grind you down.")


Livonia dont leave don t let the negative comments force you to leave...Dont let them win. WHen you opened up it was not only sweet but enduring... As a provider I can only hope that more men will open up like you have... If you leave the haters will feel like they can say whatever they want to whoever they want... Thats not fair...Let the moderators deal with it...Trust me they can and will ...

Hoping you dont leave....Looking forward to reading more of your post


Fill each day with love laugther dreams hope and lots and lots of hugs
baldnbashful's Avatar
Livonia - I have posted on this subject before when the nimrods of the world were jumping on the fairy for her grammer and freestyle writing.

You do what you want to do, but do it because it is something you want to do and not because someone whom you do not know lashes out at you because of your honesty. They are no more than schoolyard bullies hiding behind their own inadequacies and use these forum as their fists to hide the fact that they are ashamed that your are more of a man than they ever will be.

You honesty is appreciated and I for one would not consider DATY. I am paying her and if she does her job right (which they all have done) she will make me feel like my little tool is the biggest and baddest she has ever had the pleasure to suck on.

I am a 50 something who suffers from TSD...too short dick. I am terribly shy and was a virgin until I was 22. A working girl named Tina took my virginity and $50 back in the early 80's. I am a married man (22 yrs) and have never felt adequate in bed...I have not slept with my wife in over 3 years and just recently went into the hobby myself. Pam, KittyBlu, Jewels, Starla, Kori, Miss Randi, Daisy, and a couple other ladies all have made me feel like a man. I have spent most of my life wishing I was the stud in the barn and have felt like less than a man. I enjoy DATY - but have not considered it when with a provider...my money = my pleasure . These ladies are all professionals and the experienced ones do a great job of making me feel good and give the illusion that for those brief seconds we are coupled I am appreciated, loved, and master of the the double breasted matress thrashers.

Stay on this board and keep seeing the ladies who provide the services you want....otherwise we all lose and the assholes win!
You're alright.

Ain't but 3 types of folks in this world who mean a damn.


Real friends / REAL family (include cool providers / hobbyists here).

Whoever pays your light bill every month (patient, client, boss, etc...).

Other than that, you have the right and a responsibility according to the U.S. Constitution to use the phrase "Kiss My Ass" whenever needed. Sounds like its needed.
Bimboknocker's Avatar
Livonia, after bald, there's not much I can add, except I got jumped on awhile back and was going to say fuck this, I don't have to be shit on. But there was alot of support from people like the posts above, so I said fuck them and stayed. hspaperman will help and I know Big C is lurking somewhere and they will stop their shit, if they can't play nice.
(Moderator's Note: Edited out per member's request) Originally Posted by Livonia

Everyone of us have some that hate, but as I look at it ... A Positive Attitude Will Not Solve All Yours Problems, But It Will Annoy People And Make It Worth The Effort!! A hater should never win, let haters be your main motorvaters! It's not always easy but when you fail that is when they love it, so do not let anyone think they have won. Your a winner and a very great friend in my book! DO YOU... Forget the rest.

Babe, this is a board for reviews & some communication, some will not like what we say and some will... Just forget about it, like someone said earlier in the thread... it will be gone soon and you WONT!

As for the hate mail, that is so childish, lots can be very childish, don't even bother to reply back unless something they said is twisted. That will annoy the hell out of them.
What Bald said +1. I have the same disease as Bald, I'm older than he is, and have seen some of the same providers. He is dishing the straight dope.
  • sadie
  • 02-14-2010, 10:18 PM
Livonia, don't waste another ounce of energy worrying about what others think here.Who gives a crap? Put things in perspective, and remember the Bigger picture of life. These boards often take on a mirror image of highschool...playing out like scenes from each individual's experience. Maybe the people that sent you hate mail were duct taped and hung by their skimpies to their locker...exiled to eat lunch with the kids that smelled like ravioli. (For the record I was always cool)Think of it as an opportunity to heal their wounds of adolescence.
trubrit's Avatar

When you get shit emails, PM's, etc. just hit the delete button and don't give the senders a second thought. Oh yes, just before you delete, return their message with the following added: GO FORTH AND REPRODUCE THYSELF!!

Don't let them win, stay here with us.
Pass it on to the moderators. And you're right, you don't deserve any of the shit you say is coming your way.

I'd be surprised about a providers "blacklist". There have been several that weighed in on this thread and Kyla's original thread that are legitimate and well respected. There are others I know in this community that would shock me if they were that simple minded.

I've sent a pm. Please respond to me through that channel.