Why do providers use false ages?

jemery's Avatar
I am not talking about padding or shaving a year or two to the real age - I am talking about a decade deviation at a time. There is a market for all shapes, sizes, and ages - and the last thing you want is for someone to show up with false expectations - that leads to bad feelings and sometimes bad reviews.
I can't speak for all Providers! But I for one have no need to hide my age! I'm 28 and proud of it!
Probably for the same reason that some guys shave 10-30 pounds when telling about their "hobby weight." At least most of the providers allow you to see some photos so you can gauge for yourself. It's more than they get in advance.
tia travels's Avatar
When I was 24 and working for an agency, the agency lady shaved 4 years off my age and promoted me as 20 for some time. I did not care for that but hey, that was her. Since being on my own, I've never been false with my age.
Im 26 and dont feel the need to hind that !!! Hell Im Hot for some 26 years old.
I'm 36 and see no reason to lie about it. I'm old enough to know better yet still young enough not to care.
clarkkentglasses's Avatar
I never really worry to much about it, 34-50ish seems to be my sweet spot.
I'm old enough to know better yet still young enough not to care. Originally Posted by shelby sinful

Well said!!!!
ODN25's Avatar
  • ODN25
  • 01-17-2010, 08:47 PM
Not a provider but 48 and 276lbs at last weighing. Not proud of it but honesty is the best policy.
SimonNueve's Avatar
I've found life experience, gained through years, as appealing, if not more so, than youth. ...but there is an upper limit.
I know it happens but I didn’t think it happen all to often, although I recall seeing a WELL KNOWN AND REVIEWED provider post that she was 19 for 4 years straight over on ASPD... never could figure why no one caught that!!!

I wouldn’t think age would matter as long as the looks and personality turn you on who cares how old someone is!!!
There's some reviews on a providers website that were taken straight from ASPD. The first year back in 2005 she was 20, then in 2007 she was 21, in 2009 she was still 21 and for her first review of 2010, guess what......she's still 21. I went to her site because someone was using her as a reference and figured since I'm here, I might as well look around. Glad I did, I had a good laugh.

At least keep your ages somewhat correct. lol
atlcomedy's Avatar
I know it happens but I didn’t think it happen all to often, although I recall seeing a WELL KNOWN AND REVIEWED provider post that she was 19 for 4 years straight over on ASPD... never could figure why no one caught that!!!

I wouldn’t think age would matter as long as the looks and personality turn you on who cares how old someone is!!! Originally Posted by Sweet Sylvia

There is a very well known and successful lady* in Atlanta that has been 26 and a "masters degree student" for at least the last five years....I could care less....but seriously??? are we that dumb?

*to my knowledge not a regular here or ASPD but a frequent advertiser elsewhere
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 01-17-2010, 10:43 PM
Experience has value in MOO
funnyboy's Avatar
I have found it happens more often with yellow page agencies and on the quick hit sites like CL or Backpage.

Have not had much of an issue with the group here.