For the Ladies: Agency vs. Independent?

Gryphon's Avatar
I've seen a number of comments from hobbyists in various forums expressing a bias against using agencies; the argument is generally that they want the full donation to go to the lady and often includes some choice comments about pimps.

Personally, I can see some advantages to the lady from working through an agency: screening and scheduling are all done by someone else and all she has to do is the fun part . It seems to me much like any business deciding whether to do billing in-house or pay someone else to do it; it comes down to whether getting rid of the hassle is worth the cost.

So I'd be interested in seeing some providers' opinions on whether it's always better to be independent or if working through an agency is sometimes preferable.
Jennifer W Eastwood's Avatar
I started out with an agency. Hanky Panky owned the largest agency in the state of Texas. He got me a lot of jobs back then and took $50 out of each call. Today I am in Missouri and I am an independent. I work my own hours. I feel that being an independent is much better.

Love you,

Jennifer W Eastwood
It depends on the agency. I've always been independent, so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt. All I know -- good and bad -- is second-hand knowledge.

There are some excellent agencies who screen well, don't overwork (or underwork) their ladies, don't encourage them to upsell/rip off clients, and don't take an outrageous percentage of the donation. But I have heard so many horror stories about agencies doing the opposite. So many. Any lady looking to sign up with an agency needs to do a lot of research first.
ODN25's Avatar
  • ODN25
  • 01-24-2010, 01:50 PM
I do know that there are some ladies that use other providers to do the booking for them. In those circumstances I believe that the girls can still set their own working hours and have a level of control but still be free to concentrate on the meeting.
He got me a lot of jobs back then and took $50 out of each call. Originally Posted by Jennifer W Eastwood
Jennifer you and I could trade lots of fun stories! ~ I started out with an agency back in 1995 here in Los Angeles where I live, I remember the agency girl would meet me in the hotel lobby after my appt to collect her $50. I'm not so sure they screened properly because I had some real losers at times.
I truly loved working with an agency. We had an incall location so it was MUCH more cheaper than being independent. I spend upwards near $1,200 a month on hotels. The people were great, both the bookers and the ladies that I worked with and I really truly do miss it.

Being independent takes up a lot of time and energy to advertise, keep your schedule together, maintain your website, update photos, handle calls, etc. etc. etc...the list goes on.

Working for a well run agency is the best thing ever IMHO!

And guys...just because a lady works for an agency does NOT mean that person is her pimp. She may give him/her a percentage of her money, but think of it this way. The booker WORKS for the provider! They screen, advertise, book for you...that is what you are paying them to do. All the girl has to do is show up.

It's a good thing!
nebtex1's Avatar
As a customer ... I do NOT like going through agencies (I agree some girls have a "good" agent that works for them) ... it seems to me that most of the time the girl is getting ripe-off at best and sometimes downright abused.

Having said that ... it is not always easy for a customer to tell. In Houston a lot of girls work in groups out of apartments and you speak to the girl(s) when you setup the date. However, I later learned that in many of these situation ... the girls are still not "independent".

If the girl(s) are in charge of the person helping them out ... I don't have a real problem with it. However, if the girl is controlled by that person (i.e., definitely a PIMP), I will avoid these situations as much as possible.

I agree that being a lone independent, in most cases, is too expensive and time consuming (a recent girl I saw somewhat regularly gave up her incall place due to these problems) ... so I understand the appeal of a "good" agency or helper, but I think the best thing from the girl's POV is to join a co-operative (several girls get together to share expenses and responsibilities of a nice in-call location), but I know that some girls are hard to get along with ... the best thing is for 2,3 or 4 girls that are "different" in their appeal get together (so they are not such direct competitors, i.e., I wouldn't recommend 3 spinners getting together to share a place).
The ladies that work for Kaci Snow An Friends which is ran by me all are pretty much the same they want to do the fun part which is the appointments. So far all the girls that i have worked with all say they dont want todo the bussiness side of it so they come to me and i do it for them. They pick there rates and times and days they work and thats it. of course i get a very small cut but this is because i am spending money sometimes just getting them to look the part and also on ads and the various things that have to come out of my pocket websites and pro photos and such. My girls consider me more of a friend than anything cause im not bossy or bitch at them. My girls still consider themselves to be independent which is fine with me.
One of the problems is that agencies tend to take very high cuts of fees - 40% - 60% is what I've heard - and they are interested in quantity not quality. They can be very callous about the girls - I was speaking to an agency owner at a social event recently and she said without thinking "I don't care about the girls." She looked embarassed she'd let that out but I just laughed and said "Duh!".

As people have pointed out, it can be very expensive and time consuming to be independent. But agencies don't look better - to me, anyhow.
It is definetly alot of work being independent, but I wouldnt want it any other way. I control everything and am in the know about all my business and it's a safety reassurance for me so for me independent works!

Seems to me as a Hobbyist, that the girls I see who are "managed" always show up. The NCNS and last minute cancellations always seem to happen to me with the independent Providers. Then I have to call a back up plan girl, and the ones that are "managed" are usually the ones who I call , and they come over and save my evening.

Of course I would rather have my money go to the Provider and not her manager or pimp, but if the service is high quality and the girls are high quality, what's a guy to do?
If I were a gentleman, I would want to have back and forth communications with the actual girl I am seeing in an attempt to pick up on her level of intelligence, personality, style etc., not that of an agency owner. If a girl is fairly intelligent and can manage her own business successfully, she should be independent and keep 100%. I'm overwhelmed right now with business and refuse to hire a booker for the same reason, but patience and persistence gets my men in the door, assuming they are screen-worthy.
I also started with an HDH agency back in 2000 in So Cal. I relocated to south Louisiana and became indy then. The truth of the matter is that I liked it both ways. I occasionally miss the clients I had as an agency HDH, but am enjoying the direct communication I have with my more mainstream clients now as an indy. I doubly miss the in call location being covered by the agency instead of by me. I think as an indy, its more economical to share a private in call with another lady you can trust.
From being a provider who started out independent, the best agencies are the ones who are female-owned and operated. I don't consider myself an agency but more of a scheduler. I am picky with the ladies I represent hence the great reviews they get. Plus you get more of a personal feel from ladies who used to provide.

Hope that helps

annie@christophers's Avatar
worked for an agency..for about 5 years... She passed and her son took over> I passed lol. He was rude and i left. Went Indy and hated called and bugged at all hours of the nite and day. I then ran a strip/brothel in the quarters for 4 years. LOVED IT! They closed.... Opened christophers cuties and it has been a pain in the ass but it IS the best go between for the girls.... None have complained and ALL seem to return EVEN after the storm to work with me... So like I said It is all a personal thing. Annie P.S For the ones that like to work and make a buttload of money... lol Call me new orleans awaits!! We have stood at #1 in the city for over 9 years now(and NO i am not some old fat cow milking young girls of money lol.. Try 38 and i look just like lauren in my aviator) I think the record shows that the men in this city (that have money anyway) trust ME. They dont want all thier info out there.. not rude but they hobby ALOT and have to much to lose if ONE girl they give thier info to go bat crazy... so you see its all relevent. I know one thing that agencys do do that ALOT of men hate is keep a decent rate for the girls......