My ad posted on City Vibe without my knowledge

Yesterday I had posted my ad on this site, horndogs, and Today I recieve an email from a gentlemen inquireing about my ad on City Vibe. I never posted on City Vibe! I clicked on the city vibe link in his email, and there was my ad, along with my face pics. Each one of my ads were a bit differant...same concept, but a little differant wording with a differant pic. What I saw on City Vibe was the ad I had posted on two extra pics attached to it. Also, my links were no longer there, instead of my P411 link, there was a link to my TER reviews. Since my reviews are on my P411 profile, I never post a direct link in any ad! The two extra pics were the ones posted on my P411. They hadn't been used in any other ads.
Who gave anyone the right to copy my ad and pics, and post them on such of a public forum? And what type of recourse do I have?
And Ladies, if you have ads posted on, I suggest you do some research and see if you have been done the same. If you have, please let me know!

Here is the link to it
I suggest contacting CityVibe and let them know. They'll probably pull the ad. They may have other suggestions or actions available.

In order to seek legal recourse, you have to have been harmed financially or otherwise. I thought the poster might have put in a different phone number and was getting your calls. But that does not appear to be the case. So, have you been harmed? That is the question you have to ask. If not, you probably don't have a recourse other than having CityVibe pull the ad.

[There might be a copyright violation, but that is expensive to pursue.]
City vibe copies your ad from TER and puts up an ad for you in hopes that you will spend money with them. Just a heads up I have never heard of a provider getting an ad removed. Good Luck
I was reviewed on TER back in December and my info from my website and some pics were placed on Cityvibe. I am very careful where I advertise and let's just say I was PISSED OFF. I found their number and called them. They removed my ad ASAP. So yes, it can be done. Their number is Eight Hundred 573-8423. Good Luck!!
Yep, I get one posted on CityVibe every now and then without my doing, usually because of activity (review, new ad, profile update) on TER. They're cooperative companies. Pain in the butt, especially when the ad has outdated rates.
Same here...City Vibe and other various sites have stolen my ads. All have been fairly cooperative when I asked (told) them to remove it. I think you are supposed to sign some type of models release or certification of your age for them to legally use your images as well...
I did have mine removed quite some time ago but I had to have a lawyer help me get it down and I had to prove that those were indeed my photos and phone number. It was a royal pain and now I see it's back up *again*. Feh!
I had a friend in the O.C. that this happened to and she told me that they do that so after getting calls from ppl saying where they seen your add @ hoping you would do a trial membership w/ them. One word ''crazy''.... I feel if it's w/o your consent you should have it removed.
Omahan's Avatar
I think TER is involved with CityVibe and deserves at least half the blame. Besides CityVibe stealing the ad, TER often switches the Website URL from what the reviewer entered to the CityVibe ad.
I think TER is involved with CityVibe and deserves at least half the blame. Besides CityVibe stealing the ad, TER often switches the Website URL from what the reviewer entered to the CityVibe ad. Originally Posted by Omahan
True! I submitted a problem report to get my unauthorized CV ad link changed to my (authorized) Eros ad. They changed it as requested, and then three weeks later it was changed back to a new, unauthorized CV ad. I've given up the fight.
  • Randi
  • 02-03-2010, 06:48 PM
Cityvibe AND backpage have done this w my ad!! Worse than that, my
TER profile was filled in by the first guy reviewing me says
where I advertise and gives a backpage ad!!!!!!! It's been YEARS of me trying
to get TER to change that...NOPE! I give up
Wow ...... Out of eight ladies whom posted in this thread....SEVEN of them have a ShowCase that is nice.
I suggest those of you who have been victimized band together and send a demand cease and desist letter. The more of you who are together, the more you can make it stick, especially if you band together to pay an attorney that will make them feel it in the pocket book. If I were you, I would aim to get a permanent agreement from them with stipulated damages so that if they broke the agreement, there would already be a self-executing penalty attached.

Just my .02.
My response from TER

We do not share information with Cityvibe. You will need to contact Cityvibe regarding the post.

Thank you for the support,
--TER Support Staff
I think TER is involved with CityVibe and deserves at least half the blame. Besides CityVibe stealing the ad, TER often switches the Website URL from what the reviewer entered to the CityVibe ad. Originally Posted by Omahan
Yes, that's true. Somehow TER and Citvibe are paired.

By the way, this will probably get worse as the escort sites seem to be having a tough time. This week I've gotten two notices of price increases:

Eros sent me an email letting me know that the rates will go up next month; and when I went to post a free ad in the "Erotic Services" section of Cityvibe, a window came up saying it's no longer free. They now charge $3 per ad.

Eros Dallas used to have right around 155 ads. It ranged from 140 or so up to 170 until last summer. Since then it's generally been under 100.