Deal Killer

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Okay, this is a question for the ladies..

Ladies, suppose you're all set to go to meet a new customer one day and you're a little excited because you've been wondering about this one.

Anyway, suppose that about one hour before you're to leave your place you discover a dark secret about him that might make you back out of the deal?

Give us some concrete and specific ideas on what the dark second would be to make you cancel?

Suppose you found out, for example, that at night or when under stress he turns into this hulking green man who hurl a tank like it was a child's toy.

Would you still be willing to see him? Assuming that he is to remain in his mild mannered persona for the duration of the session, of course.

Would you still go out with him?
No I would never go through with a date if I have any nervousness about it. For me, it's not worth it. I'm here to have fun and make some spending money...if something doesn't seem right, PASS!
Mr Clever's Avatar
Okay, this is a question for the ladies..

Suppose you found out, for example, that at night or when under stress he turns into this hulking green man who hurl a tank like it was a child's toy.

Would you still go out with him?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I really don't get this entire question.

Why don't you just ask.....suppose you find out he's a creep that's into weird shit or something. But, then again, most providers run into creeps that are into weird shit. Kind of a hazard of the business.
sexyshay69's Avatar
Well for me if I am unsure about a Guy I WILL NOT see him. I feel like Safety is the most important thing for me and the Guys I see so why would I want to put myself into a bad situation. If I found out something like "He is a cross dresser at night" lol then I wouldn't give two shits and would see him, hell even do his make up or hair. I think for all of us Ladies our standards vary on what would prevent us on seeing a Guy....
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
It looks to me that you're specifically asking if she would say no if the gent had a reputation for having a violent hair trigger temper. I could be wrong.
loneshark's Avatar
I don't know were you are going with your post . First I want to Thank all the Nice Providers who see us Gentlemen . If I was a Provider I think Deal Killers would be . Someone who smells bad, grossly overweight, Comes to an appointment Drunk. Someone who tries to get Bare service. someone who and tries to get a cheaper rate
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Sorry man, I was just poking to see if you would get pissed. LOL.
I have a bad sense of humor sometimes.
I don't know were you are going with your post . First I want to Thank all the Nice Providers who see us Gentlemen . If I was a Provider I think Deal Killers would be . Someone who smells bad, grossly overweight, Comes to an appointment Drunk. Someone who tries to get Bare service. someone who and tries to get a cheaper rate Originally Posted by loneshark

That would eliminate about 85% of their business!
Sisyphus's Avatar
Okay, this is a question for the ladies..

Ladies, suppose you're all set to go to meet a new customer one day and you're a little excited because you've been wondering about this one.

Anyway, suppose that about one hour before you're to leave your place you discover a dark secret about him that might make you back out of the deal?

Give us some concrete and specific ideas on what the dark second would be to make you cancel?

Suppose you found out, for example, that at night or when under stress he turns into this hulking green man who hurl a tank like it was a child's toy.

Would you still be willing to see him? Assuming that he is to remain in his mild mannered persona for the duration of the session, of course.

Would you still go out with him?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Something you need to get off your chest???

Mods: If we need a new forum, I'm sure Wayward would be willing to discuss a licensing deal for "The Confessional"!!
I question any man who likes to role play involving any child-like antics such as dressing up like a school girl, being the teenage babysitter or even calling him daddy. I my opinion, this is plan pervertism.
Of course I wouldn't. Isn't the definition of a "deal breaker" something that you won't tolerate under any circumstances? Otherwise, it's just a preference.

List of won't sees (incomplete):
- The basic no-nos: the violent (sorry, Hulk), stalkers, hagglers/short changers, boundary pushers, drunk/high, very young/old, LE/friends/relatives/colleagues/associates thereof.
- Insistence on smoking while I'm there. I would say I STRONGLY PREFER non-smokers, but if he bathes in Febreze beforehand, I'll usually tolerate it. Smoker smell is definitely not a turn on, though.
- Incompatible personalities. If I think we're going to hate each other, I'm not putting either of us through that experience.
- Incompatible date interests. I am, for the most part, not fetish friendly (excepting feet/stockings), non-PSE, and I like to talk (a lot). CASG, but if it's not my goût too, we'll both be better off not meeting.
a guy obessed with sex....unknown to you...harboring maybe more than one obession....sneaky......and therefore a liar...pays everything in cash...hmmm drug money perhaps? furtive and secretive?... all ina days work....but if he has bad teeth....well if she has bad teeth i think that would spoil it for me
If he was attracted to/involved with kids. No.

Also if he wanted to get too close to me - a potential and well recommended client was offering me a lot of useful resources, but one of them was that he would pay my (expensive) hotel room for the night and he would be 'around'. Basically I felt he thought I'd be busy with other men and he would like to meet me as a 'friend' now and again. Unclear and wierd, it made my skin crawl so I said no, even though he was offering a good fee for seeing him (and actually he'd outlined a very nice date - but the rest of it was wierd).
Carrie Hillcrest - "- Insistence on smoking while I'm there. I would say I STRONGLY PREFER non-smokers, but if he bathes in Febreze beforehand, I'll usually tolerate it. Smoker smell is definitely not a turn on, though."

Yes, I'm finding it more and more repulsive to be around smokers.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I question any man who likes to role play involving any child-like antics such as dressing up like a school girl, being the teenage babysitter or even calling him daddy. I my opinion, this is plan pervertism. Originally Posted by Exotic Lily
As someone that went to Catholic School with all those plaid skirts, can I suggest that for some of us it is not "pervertism" but just nostalgia?