What's the deal with ladies in Coed?

Guest092815's Avatar
From some of the threads I read, it is obvious to me that some of the guys do not like us, ladies posting in Coed. ~Why is that?

I can see that some ladies seem to be "putting themself out there" to promote business, but come on now. This is a Coed section, is it not?

Are you boys really so misogynistic that you would only like to read our ads and reviews and not hear a single peep from us unless you are boinking our brains out? Puhleez. Talk about your double-standard.

I feel like some guys are such haters, whey do they even partake in the hobby? (And thanks for those self-posted alerts, BTW). They are priceless!!

I may not be the most articulate lady on the board, I tend to lose patience in front of my keyboard. I would rather do more fun things. But, I value the right to bee able to post in this section. And, I do resent those that say ladies who post on Coed are just "advertising". Grrrr.

Peace and love,
Whispers's Avatar
I'm probably the one guy ladies think would be at the front of any group of guys that did not want ladies posting. There is an ad section for ads..... I dislike ladies that post for that purpose.... Inane threads meant solely to get them noticed.....

If ladies have something useful they want to say or interesting they want to discuss or contribute I have no problem with ladies participating.

For example.... Useful information will come from BB's thread running at the moment about her review..... and I'm sure a few surprises will come out in this one as well.......

I don't need to see a thread telling me your cell phone is not working.... Just update your ad..... or get a MOD to do it.... There are a few that start bullshit threads regularly for just that purpose..... Some of you ladies ought to be perturbed by it as well.....

I really stay out of 90% of CoED threads because many turn into senseless flirt fests......

Where I get cross ways with most ladies are on threads having to do with screening, tipping, gifts or really any subject matter telling a guy HOW to spend his money,,,,,

Maybe you have not thought of it in this manner.....but there are some ladies...... who can't drum up the business with their looks..... or age...... or reputation...... or they have damaged their reputation too much.......so they cruise the COED sections of boards like this as well as the chatrooms....... IMO they are the SWs of the Internet Community and this is their "corner"
Frankly, I would like to hear from the ladies MORE in this section. Their thoughts and feelings, ideas, interests, etc. I will agree with Whispers that on occasion, a lady will post in a thread started about a specific subject, and slyly make it into an ad for herself, which is wrong, and not what Coed is supposed to be about. But on the occasion that a provider does either post, or create a thread that pertains to thoughts on the hobby, or other issues, I look forward to hearing her perspective.

Thanks Crystal, for doing exactly that!
St.Mateo's Avatar
Ok just a quiet reminder..... this has the makings of a very good thread, lets keep our cool and keep this on the subject
GneissGuy's Avatar
Kitty, look at this as another example of SPA Self Posted Alert. The guys who don't like ladies posting in coed are probably ones you'd rather not be with anyway.

However, it is a bad idea when a lady gets a burr under her saddle and posts an SPA on herself in coed.

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-06-2010, 11:03 AM
I would love to see more intelligent and thought-provoking threads (and posts within threads) by the ladies here. But please leave the drama and the petty sniping and the blatant troll-baiting at the door.

My number one request: don't take this place so *&^%$#$#@!!*#@* seriously! It's a hobby! It's supposed to be fun! Sometimes we aren't as clear as we should be... don't take it personally!
Are you boys really so misogynistic that you would only like to read our ads and reviews and not hear a single peep from us unless you are boinking our brains out? Puhleez. Talk about your double-standard.
Crystal Originally Posted by Crystalkitty
With all due respect Chrystal, the use of words like "misogynistic" is 1 of the reasons the average provider does not participate in co-ed. They do not know what the heck it means.
I think more ladies would participate if they were more comfortable with the conversations and the vocabulary used. Nobody wants to look stupid.
Also, knowing the definition of misogynistic, don't you think your choice to use this word was a tad bit harsh? Improperly used?

A provider should post, reply, her thoughts & opinions; that is an advertisement of her personality. No need for an obvious add.

To quote Whispers... "Some tend to forget that Our time with them is a Hobby. Their time with us is a BUSINESS! Don't get caught up in the illusion." ...Whispers.... Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

My time starts when I log on…


ANONONE's Avatar
I would like more postings from ladies. The only posts that irritate me are the crazy and stupid ones. I do not think either gender has a monopoly on that niche.

As to the use of the term "misogynistic" I had no problem with it. Sadly, she is spot on, i didn't think it was harsh.

Hell just look at this thread:


. . .and for young ladies that struggle with the vocabulary being used, one possible way to look at it is that these posts can be educational--in a number of ways. If their word power is increased from perusing these threads, that makes it even better.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
With all due respect Chrystal, the use of words like "misogynistic" is 1 of the reasons the average provider does not participate in co-ed. They do not know what the heck it means.
I think more ladies would participate if they were more comfortable with the conversations and the vocabulary used. Nobody wants to look stupid.
Also, knowing the definition of misogynistic, don't you think your choice to use this word was a tad bit harsh? Improperly used?

A provider should post, reply, her thoughts & opinions; that is an advertisement of her personality. No need for an obvious add.

To quote Whispers... "Some tend to forget that Our time with them is a Hobby. Their time with us is a BUSINESS! Don't get caught up in the illusion." ...Whispers.... Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

My time starts when I log on…


Francisca Originally Posted by Francisca
I like these kinds of posts from providers. (intelligent that is)
As to the use of the term "misogynistic" I had no problem with it. Sadly, she is spot on, i didn't think it was harsh.

Hell just look at this thread:

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=56782 Originally Posted by ANONONE
I read the thread. I found it disturbing, but again, misogynistic does not apply. Most of our society believe that a man that visits gentlemen clubs are by your definition, misogynistic.

. . .and for young ladies that struggle with the vocabulary being used, one possible way to look at it is that these posts can be educational--in a number of ways. If their word power is increased from perusing these threads, that makes it even better. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Originally Posted by ANONONE
If providers would participate more, ask questions, learn from the discussions... "Frat parties" would slowly but surely diminish & the quality of providers would increase.
Unfortunately, there are few 25 yr olds that do not already know everything
Budman's Avatar
... They do not know what the heck it means.
I think more ladies would participate if they were more comfortable with the conversations and the vocabulary used. Nobody wants to look stupid....


Francisca Originally Posted by Francisca
Maybe they should buy a dictionary.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-06-2010, 01:52 PM
or just Google "misogynistic."
AidanRedd's Avatar
I think that some guys have kinda scared off some girls from posting here.

Co-Ed's not as much fun as it used to be.

Hell, I think the only reason I even log on is to read what Whisper's got to say for the day.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 06-06-2010, 04:17 PM
I like 'em. I do occasionally say exactly the wrong thing, it's a gift.

A dozen years ago a pretty comes storming into the office waving a NY Times around, sputtering fury. "This article says women make 80% of what men do! There is no reason men should make 20% more!"

"25% more," I said. "Maybe it's math skills."

Dr. Smooth.
Guest092815's Avatar
Dear Francisca,

If you don't know what misogynisitic is, that's ok. I have to look up words sometimes myself. But, please spell my name correctly. It is Crystal, not Chrystal.

And FWIW, I did feel that was a proper use of the word. Some folks just are. They love to see how far they can get with a woman without respecting her or her boundaries. I would call that misogynistic, but perhaps I should double-check Websters tonight before I go to bed.

I hope you are not implying that most providers are too illiterate to write a decent post. ~Surely that is not what you meant?