In Summary of Recent Events

In the last few days somebody hacked the WF ECCIE account, posted personal info, including family info, and posted lies about raping and robbing. The only sure thing is that Max didn't do any of that. But whoever did truly IS a "loose cannon" and "a threat to our secret world".
The whole thing can be summarized in two short quotes:

Karma: "Just so you all know, I've done EVERYTHING I can. Nuff said. ~K"

SP Hunter: "As this drama continues we are still missing any proof. Anyone with proof is welcome to email such to or Repeating a rumor or a lie does not make it true, I have first hand experience at the rumor mill."

Thanks, SP. I'd say that pretty well covers it. Let me know if you get any.
Or if you don't.
  • Booth
  • 06-07-2010, 01:58 PM
I'll answer the question before it's even asked. Because there weren't enough threads about this already.
smokeswithwolves's Avatar
Wait, so what happened?
Well, maybe I got tired of reading about stuff that happened on ASPD a decade ago that every reply bumped up the bogus and shitty title. My first post on THIS thread pretty well sums it up.
Guest031411-2's Avatar
For those that got through college on Cliff notes or remember the Reader's Digest condensed version of books, here's my attempt at coalescing the events to date:

Max got attacked
and then he became an ass
The mods got dragged in
as part of the mess
Then ladies came out of the woodwork
to support the accusations with facts
Then the account got hacked
and only a fat lady avatar posted
So Max was banned oh so briefly
And now he's back
And nothing is resolved except
There are even more questions
And even more threads on-going
With attacks and drama and less sex

Any questions on the story-line to date?
Whispers's Avatar
And even more threads on-going
With attacks and drama and less sex Originally Posted by kittyloveratx
No questions Kitty.

I'll just stick to intelligent, well researched choices with the indys...
Here's Mr. Kitty's attempt at coalescing the events to date: (With Max's replies)

Max got attacked - you sure got that right! false accusations of rape and robbery, personal info outed, account hacked. Quite an attack!

and then he became an ass -"an ass"? For trying to defend myself? From all that? How'd you like to be FALSELY accused of being a serial rapist, AND robber, AND have your account hacked, AND see your family's personal info posted on here? Think you might get a little pissed? Just a little?

The mods got dragged in
as part of the mess - I NEVER said any mod was in my pocket , partners, etc. I said TC and CK had met me, and anyone could ask them what they thought of me. THAT IS ALL I'VE EVER SAID ABOUT ANY MODS. ANYWHERE. My attackers are the ONLY ones who have ever said I had mods "working for me". I didn't drag the mods into this.

Then ladies came out of the woodwork - "Ladies"? One fake post by an insane and horrible hag who NEVER was a Wild Flower, but did try to steal my agency (AND FAILED, SO IS NOW TRYING TO DESTROY IT) and two fake posts by a rival agency known for fake posts, fake pics and false advertising. Perhaps "gutter" would be more accurate than "woodwork".

to support the accusations with facts - "Facts"? WHAT facts? what proof?
You use the word "facts". Let's see 'em. Put up, or shut up.

Then the account got hacked
and only a fat lady avatar posted - As confirmed by TC and SP Hunter. And me.

So Max was banned oh so briefly - not "banned", my account was shut down till the password could be reset. As confirmed by mods.

And now he's back - And not going anywhere.

And nothing is resolved except - This whole thing was started by lies with not one shred of proof. NOTE: NOT ONE SHRED OF PROOF.

There are even more questions - brought on by inaccurate posts like yours

And even more threads on-going
With attacks and drama and less sex - Thanks, Kitty, for all the help!

Any questions on the story-line to date? No, but here's the answer:

"As this drama continues we are still missing any proof.
Anyone with proof is welcome to email such to or Repeating a rumor or a lie does not make it true."


Dude. Shut the fuck up. You thinck you are helping yourself. Your not. Do yourself a favor and quit babbling while you have any customers left.
"As this drama continues we are still missing any proof.
Anyone with proof is welcome to email such to or Repeating a rumor or a lie does not make it true.""

That's all that you really need to say. Period!

For the love of God, give it a break, man!!
I wish I could give it a break, CFH. I really do. "All I need to say", (SP's quote) is exactly what I said at the top of this thread. Then Kitty comes along and prattles on about me being an ass, the "ladies" and the "facts". The mods, in spite of their falsely rumored "affiliation" with me, are leaving up provably false posts (that I did time for armed robbery) and an unfounded but highly questionable post (about me being a serial rapist) and basically leaving me to twist in the wind.

I have offered to let the mods talk to all the WF girls, in person or on the phone, to see how they're treated, but gotten no reply. I'm asking for any proof from any of my detractors, and have gotten none. I've offered to prove them false, and have no takers. The mods won't even close the threads started with proven lies.

I appreciate your advice about giving it a break, and I would love nothing more than to get back to my usual raping and robbing, or whatever it is that I really do with my time. But let me ask you this, respectfully and sincerely - what would you do if you were in my shoes? Just let it slide? Quit? Run away and hide? Let 10,000 people read the most slanderous lies about you and not say anything? Shut down the agency and throw the girls to the tender mercies of my enemies? Or just maybe call bullshit when it's posted, like kitty's misinformed diatribe, because thousands of people are reading this shit, and nobody's standing up for the truth? Let me know. Thanks.

I and I would love nothing more than to get back to my usual raping and robbing, or whatever it is that I really do with my time. Originally Posted by AustinWildFlowers

What the average potential customer wants from you is the feeling that you can keep your mouth shut.

Discretion and class are very important.

While I am the best in the world at Sarcasm, it's not helping you here.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I wish I could give it a break, CFH. I really do. "All I need to say", (SP's quote) is exactly what I said at the top of this thread. Then Kitty comes along and prattles on about me being an ass, the "ladies" and the "facts". The mods, in spite of their falsely rumored "affiliation" with me, are leaving up provably false posts (that I did time for armed robbery) and an unfounded but highly questionable post (about me being a serial rapist) and basically leaving me to twist in the wind.

I have offered to let the mods talk to all the WF girls, in person or on the phone, to see how they're treated, but gotten no reply. I'm asking for any proof from any of my detractors, and have gotten none. I've offered to prove them false, and have no takers. The mods won't even close the threads started with proven lies.

I appreciate your advice about giving it a break, and I would love nothing more than to get back to my usual raping and robbing, or whatever it is that I really do with my time. But let me ask you this, respectfully and sincerely - what would you do if you were in my shoes? Just let it slide? Quit? Run away and hide? Let 10,000 people read the most slanderous lies about you and not say anything? Shut down the agency and throw the girls to the tender mercies of my enemies? Or just maybe call bullshit when it's posted, like kitty's misinformed diatribe, because thousands of people are reading this shit, and nobody's standing up for the truth? Let me know. Thanks.
Max Originally Posted by AustinWildFlowers

I think you were called an ass, not because you defended yourself, but because of the manner you chose to do so. You showed a general disdain for the members, mods, and other providers here by generalizing the entire groups and calling them names instead of strictly refuting the claims.

The line about the mods being dragged in was in reference to them having to get involved in the discussion, not an implication that they are in your pocket.

That is the way I read Kitty's post.
Buddy G's Avatar
Seems like you are trying way too hard. If you have to work that hard to keep your rep, there is probably at least some kind of reasonable cause.
As a provider, if I were to fly off the handle every time someone said something about me that might not be true, I would have no clients. Its called class and discretion. I've heard rumors that I have a pimp. I've heard rumors that I'm homeless. I've heard rumors that I work with LE. I've heard rumors that I'm a skank.

They're just that--- Rumors. And those who know me know that the rumors aren't true. My business keeps on keeping on just fine. And I've never felt the need to worry about any of it. If what you say is true (I don't know you, I've no dog in this fight) then your best course of action is just to let the haters hate and keep on doing what you do. Cream rises to the top.